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[Csnd] header settings sample playback

Date2018-05-03 13:10
Subject[Csnd] header settings sample playback

I'm expecting the program attached to playback a sample at its original
speed ( which its not). I think it has something to do with using an
envelope to scan through samples in a table and so the rate at which the
data is processed.Does this mean I have to ensure the correct variables in
the header?

I'm aiming to recreate the algorithm:

input : input signal in (maximum 0 to 1)
output : output signal out
(N is samples in length or N/fs seconds where fs is the sample rate)

readposition = in * (N - 1)
out = interpolate(table,readposition)

Sent from: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Csound-General-f1093014.html

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