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Re: [OT] Linux references at csounds.com

Date2005-12-11 14:15
FromWally Lepore
SubjectRe: [OT] Linux references at csounds.com
Hi Dave,

>... updating that material, so perhaps there's a Linux Csounder who could
volunteer for it ?

I respect your wanting to find volunteers to update the material for Linux

Unfortunately I'm just getting into Csound on a windows2000 plateform.

One thing is for sure..... when I do eventually figure out the basic
interface and how to create sounds, I am certainly going to create a web
site for beginners to get them (us) up and running.

I understand I'm late to the party (so to speak) but that's okay I guess.
I'll figure out the basics eventually with the help of others.

The basic "beginners" tutorial on csounds.com are waaaay over my head but on
the upside I sometimes just sit back in amazement at how brilliant and smart
the people are who put all this information together. I can certainly
understand the frustration of having to explain how csound works to a

As a result, I do absolutely take that into consideration as I search for a
user friendly tutorial. I understand alittle but as far as trying to create
the sound of a basic 440 Hz pitch...forget it. I'ts still a blur to me. I
keep reading over and over again hoping I'll pick something up I missed

If there was ever a term to describe learning csound, to me.... it would
certainly be called "rocket science". And rocket science is cool stuff

I too invite anyone with a passion to create a basic and most simple hands
on tutorial for the absolute beginner to csound. Starting with latest
version of Winsound.

Thank you
Walter Lepore

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Phillips" 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 8:07 AM
Subject: [Csnd] [OT] Linux references at csounds.com

> Greetings:
>   Sorry for the OT post, but it's at least slightly relevant to the
> Csound community.
>   The Linux resources referenced at csounds.com are woefully outdated.
> Alas, I simply do not have the time or energy to take on the task of
> updating that material, so perhaps there's a Linux Csounder who could
> volunteer for it ?
>   Also, as Dr. B and some others know, I wrote an extensive set of
> tutorials for Cs5, fairly non-specific wrt platform. Again, I don't have
> the time to set up another Web site, and that material has languished in
> an ftp repository at csounds.com. It's not doing anyone any good there,
> so I'll offer it all to anyone who wants to continue it and hopefully
> put it somewhere so everyone can access it. Interested persons can
> contact me directly.
> Best,
> dp
> -- 
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Date2005-12-11 14:56
FromDave Phillips
Subjectsimple Csound, was Re: [Csnd] [OT] Linux references at csounds.com
Wally Lepore wrote:

>... I do absolutely take that into consideration as I search for a
>user friendly tutorial. I understand alittle but as far as trying to create
>the sound of a basic 440 Hz pitch...forget it. I'ts still a blur to me. I
>keep reading over and over again hoping I'll pick something up I missed
In classic Csound you would create two files, an orc and a sco file, 
something like the following:

;;; whatsyoursine.orc

instr 1
asig oscil 10000, 440, 1
out asig

;;; whatsyoursine.sco

f1 0 8192 10 1   ; this is a stored function table that holds what is 
called a single-cycle sine wave
i1 0 3                 ; this line plays your 440 sine wave for 3 
seconds, starting at time 0

The relevant instrument design translates to:

  "Create an audio signal (asig) by using an oscillator opcode (oscil) 
with an absolute value of 10000 for its amplitude (a fairly loud 
volume), a frequency of 440 Hz, and using a stored function table 
represented by f1 (the 1 at the end of the opcode declaration) in my sco 

Process at a command prompt (in Linux) with something like:

    csound -o mysine.wav whatsyoursine.*

Voila, you have a 3-second sine wave playing at 400 Hz. Clear as mud, as 
we say here in NW Ohio. ;-)

>If there was ever a term to describe learning csound, to me.... it would
>certainly be called "rocket science". And rocket science is cool stuff
I got into Csound when  it was a lot less involved than it is now. Maybe 
it was easier to learn then, but as the folks who know me will agree, 
I'm no rocket scientist or computer whiz. I'm a career musician who 
figured that if I could learn how to play and write music then I could 
certainly learn how to use Csound. And with a lot of help from the true 
gurus on this list, I've learned at least a little bit of it.

I highly recommend the book "Virtual Sound" for Csound beginners, moving 
on to the most excellent Csound Book by Dr. B when you feel ready for 
the next step. Of course, this way of doing things is merely my way, 
others will suggest other approaches that may work better for you. I 
don't use Windows at all and can offer no useful advice wrt Csound on 
that platform, sorry.

