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rtmidi on OSX

Date2005-11-28 14:12
FromJulian Peterson
Subjectrtmidi on OSX
I recently built csound5 with portmidi and in general this works  
quite well.  I have run into an issue, however, that I'm hoping  
someone can help me resolve.

When I control csound with a hardware midi controller, everything  
works exactly as expected.  However, there is a neat feature of osx  
10.4 that allows for network transmission of midi data that does not  
work as expected.  When two events occur very near to one another in  
time (two attacks, two releases, etc.) I get the following error:

   rtevent:         T108.426 TT108.426 M:   5851.8   5851.8
PortMidi debug msg: large packet skipped
   rtevent:         T108.474 TT108.474 M:   4001.6   4001.6

Unfortunately, when this happens to releases, it causes stuck notes.

The obvious answer is that network midi control is the culprit, and I  
should stick to direct midi connections... but the rewards of getting  
network midi control up and running are great, and I'm hoping that  
someone knows a workaround.

Thanks for your help.


Date2005-11-28 16:23
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: rtmidi on OSX
You can suggest this to the developers of PortMidi.


At 14:12 28/11/2005, you wrote:
>I recently built csound5 with portmidi and in general this works
>quite well.  I have run into an issue, however, that I'm hoping
>someone can help me resolve.
>When I control csound with a hardware midi controller, everything
>works exactly as expected.  However, there is a neat feature of osx
>10.4 that allows for network transmission of midi data that does not
>work as expected.  When two events occur very near to one another in
>time (two attacks, two releases, etc.) I get the following error:
>   rtevent:         T108.426 TT108.426 M:   5851.8   5851.8
>PortMidi debug msg: large packet skipped
>   rtevent:         T108.474 TT108.474 M:   4001.6   4001.6
>Unfortunately, when this happens to releases, it causes stuck notes.
>The obvious answer is that network midi control is the culprit, and I
>should stick to direct midi connections... but the rewards of getting
>network midi control up and running are great, and I'm hoping that
>someone knows a workaround.
>Thanks for your help.
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth