| The only documentation that currently exists is in the Csound 5 manual on csounds.com.
In csound5/examples/CsoundVST.csd is an orchestra that provides some example instruments that should work "out of the box."
I am planning a tutorial for the Csound online magazine, but I don't know when I'll do it.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Carter
Sent: Nov 18, 2005 10:44 AM
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] CSound5 VST Tutorial?
hi all, i figured my lurker status was long since expired.
Over the next month or so I'm hoping to get myself upto speed on using
CSound5 within a VST host (namely Cubase SE). I've managed to get it
running, after installing the necessary components (python, PD) and
modifying my environment variables.
I wasn't able to find a tutorial, or even a central reference for
getting this set up, though I may have been looking in the wrong
place, so I'm kicking around the idea of creating such a document.
I'm just wondering if there are:
a) any documents that exist like this at present (with links!)
b) if anyone has any suggestions as to some example *.csd files
suitable for running under a VST host that might really showcase why
non-CSounders may want to consider installing this.
any input or "that's already been done!"'s would be appreciated.
/* John Carter, BCS
* MSc Candidate (CIS) - University of Guelph
* email=mrjohndcarter@gmail.com
* site=http://www.jcarter.ca */
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