| Did you try the reinit opcode? They are a little confusing but I can
help you out with them, I used them a ton in my monosynths. I have not
tried them with a udo, but I haven't seen any mention that they won't
work there. On the other hand, I did write a varient of the line opcode
myself that restarts on certain krate conditions and that worked fine
within a UDO. So I'm sure you could do that easily enough. Here's the
code for my resteerable line opcode I'm working on if you want to take a
look. You could change the reinit condition to an additional trigger
variable instead easily enough.
David Akbari wrote:
> Hi List,
> I'm working on a UDO and I seem to have run into a small problem with
> using the line opcode. It seems that in this UDO, I am trying to index a
> table for use with fading out the dac. The problem is that I'm using
> line to do the table index. So it works, but only ONCE. You press the
> space bar and it fades out, you press the number 1 and it fades back in,
> but then once both lines have been executed, the value is held.
> How is it possible to reinitialize the line opcode within the UDO block?
> Any help on this matter is most appreciated!
> sr = 44100
> kr = 441
> ksmps = 100
> nchnls = 2
> itmp ftgen 1, 0, 16384, 7, 0, 16384, 1
> ;itmp ftgen 1, 0, 16384, 5, 0.000001, 16384, 1
> ;itmp ftgen 1, 0, 16384, 20, 9, 1
> /*--- ---*/
> opcode fadedac, aa, aaii
> ist init 1
> iend init 0
> aLin, aRin, ifadtime, itable xin
> kval sensekey
> ; space bar fades out
> ; number 1 fades in
> if (kval == 32) kgoto truf1
> if (kval == 49) kgoto truf2
> kgoto cont
> truf1:
> ktrue = 1
> kgoto cont
> truf2:
> ktrue = 2
> kgoto cont
> cont:
> if (ktrue == 1) then
> kndx line ist, ifadtime, iend
> kndx = kndx * ftlen(itable)
> klin table kndx, itable
> aL = aLin * klin
> aR = aRin * klin
> ;ktrue = 0
> elseif (ktrue == 2) then
> kndx line iend, ifadtime, ist
> kndx = kndx * ftlen(itable)
> klin table kndx, itable
> aL = aLin * klin
> aR = aRin * klin
> ;ktrue = 0
> else
> aL = aLin
> aR = aRin
> endif
> xout aL, aR
> endop
> /*--- ---*/
> instr 1
> ; put your sample here
> a1, a2 diskin2 "/Volumes/Neuromancer/sup2/a1lasflutas16", 1, 0, 1
> a00, a01 fadedac a1, a2, (sr/ftlen(1)), 1
> outs a00, a01
> endin
> /*--- ---*/
> i1 0 1000
> e
> -David