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JackOSX and Csound5

Date2005-11-09 11:51
FromJulian Peterson
SubjectJackOSX and Csound5
Has anyone been able to build Csound5 on OSX with jackOSX support?   
The useJACK switch in scons doesn't work on OSX, presumably because  
the jack libraries are installed as Frameworks and not in the  
standard locations.  I'm not a programmer, so I might be mistaken,  
but it seems that only changes to the build system would be necessary  
since jack support is already working on Linux(?).

My experience with Pure Data on OSX is that it is more stable when  
using the Jack driver instead of the coreaudio driver, and I suspect  
that csound5 might be the same-- plus it would easily integrate into  
my other audio apps.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Date2005-11-09 12:02
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: JackOSX and Csound5
I think it's possible if you build PortAudio with jack support and
then useJack; but I have not tested (on my list!)


At 11:51 09/11/2005, you wrote:
>Has anyone been able to build Csound5 on OSX with jackOSX support?
>The useJACK switch in scons doesn't work on OSX, presumably because
>the jack libraries are installed as Frameworks and not in the
>standard locations.  I'm not a programmer, so I might be mistaken,
>but it seems that only changes to the build system would be necessary
>since jack support is already working on Linux(?).
>My experience with Pure Data on OSX is that it is more stable when
>using the Jack driver instead of the coreaudio driver, and I suspect
>that csound5 might be the same-- plus it would easily integrate into
>my other audio apps.
>Any suggestions are appreciated.
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth