| I recommend to use ASIO drivers in native mode (not emulated), wherever
asio4all works pretty good for all audio interface which are not
provided with a native ASIO driver, lowering latency at a very low
degree. I higly recommend it when appliable.
I also remember to suppress displaying messages (+Om0), otherwise clicks
are unavoidable.
Gabriel Maldonado
Art Hunkins wrote:
> My setup with AV on Windows ME is likewise nothing special (here with MIDI
> controller input):
> -+K -+P -+Om0d+M
> Oeyvind's comments are right on the mark. I've always found AV to offer much
> better live performance than other Windows Csounds - without fiddling with
> buffer settings, etc. - even with MME drivers.
> Short of getting a faster system, asio4all's most recent edition now allows
> for lower standard SR's, down to 8000, if this would help any.
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Oeyvind Brandtsegg"
> To: "Patrick Pagano"
> Cc:
> Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 4:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [Csnd] CsoundAV windows tips
>>I use nothing special for csoundAV with winXP here
>>My commandline is simply
>>-+P -+I -+K -+O -m0
>>It works well with both the RME hdsp card, and with my laptop's 'el
> cheapo' internal soundcard. Do you use ASIO drivers for the soundcard ?
>>If there's a control panel for the card, you could try tweaking the
> hardware buffer size.
>>You might also try using asio4all, for no other good reason than that it
> lets you set the buffer size, which I don' know offhand how to do for a
> creative card.
>>Do you use a lot of playback modules in ImproSculpt simultaneously ?
>>For fairly new computers, you should have a hard time maxing out the cpu
> with improsculpt. You mention a 1GHz cpu but not the type...
>>Also, of course check for background processes that clutters the machine's
> operation.
>>>From: Patrick Pagano [bigswift@ufl.edu]
>>>Sent: 2005-09-24 17:56:18 CEST
>>>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>>>Subject: [Csnd] CsoundAV windows tips
>>>i have done an install of csoundav on a dual processor [1ghz] machine
>>>with 1 GHz of memory machine for a friends using WinXp Pro and am
>>>attempting to run Improsculpt for demonstrations in a classroom
>>>setting. Yet, i get clicks in audio.
>>>are there any tips ones may share or a commandline for optimized
>>>csoundav for windows.
>>>the soundcard is a creative pci
>>>Patrick Pagano, B.S.,M.F.A
>>>Digital Media Specialist
>>>Digital Worlds Institute
>>>University Of Florida
>>>(352) 294-2082
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