| Thanks, Istvan, for working with me on this issue. I'm always very much
interested in how various Csounds act differently or not (especially in
I think it's now clear to me what is happening: probably of greatest
importance is that my test file involves FLTK widgets (*all* my compositions
use FLTK widgets, and I always test with them for that reason).
Michael's Csound5 distribution does not involve a .csoundrc file; as a
result his default is not -d, meaning that hi-res displays are on.
Your distribution includes a .csoundrc file that includes -d, meaning that
typically all displays are off.
Michael's distro has problems if you run using FLTK widgets (like I do). The
FLTK table windows fail to display properly (indeed, all I get is a block in
my taskbar). --displays fails in the same way (as you indeed suspected). To
get any f-table displays using FLTK widgets, you *must* specify -g (for
ASCII display).
OTOH, your version is smart enough to know of the FLTK widgets/table
conflict when -d is removed from .csoundrc, or the --displays flag is added.
Graphics default to ASCII in this case (instead of hi-res); no need for -g.
My tentative conclusion is that with Windows there still remains the issue
of getting hi-res f-table displays along with FLTK widgets. Only ASCII
graphics are possible with widgets (at least on my WinME system). Also, what
the user needs to do to produce ASCII graphics under the Gogins and Varga
distros is somewhat different given widgets - though the -g flag will
produce them in both distros.
Is that a fair summary?
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
From: "Istvan Varga"
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
> Art Hunkins wrote:
> > When I commented out this file in my autoexec.bat (I'm on WinME), or
> > the --displays flag, I did indeed get ASCII function table graphics.
> > is, I got it for *your* Csound5, but not Michael's (???).
> It should have FLTK table displays, as I tested it and the functionality
> definitely there. Did you use CsoundVST or the simple command line
> (I tested the latter) ? What happens if you type this in the installation
> directory ?
> .\csound.exe --displays -+rtaudio=mme -o dac -b 2048 -B 8192
> But note again, if you do use widget opcodes, then ASCII displays (-g) are
> --
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