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[Csnd] Fw: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?

Date2005-09-22 23:45
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Fw: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
The reply to Johnff below was intended for everyone. Sorry about that.

I'm also sorry for my implication that Winsound does not support f-table
graphics. As John points out, it does, and has for a long time. I did not
test Winsound - and indeed have not used it for quite a while. I regret the
overstatement that "No Windows Csound4s do graphics" except for AV.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message -----
From: "Art Hunkins" 
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?

> I didn't include Winsound in my survey of Csounds for Windows, as it is
> I don't have installed. My real-time requirements include FLTK and MIDI
> (controllers) in. I always wished I could have used Winsound, but because
> these and other factors (as everyone knows), I went with CsoundAV.
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
> > What?  Winsound always produced graphics.
> > ==John ffitch

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