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Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?

Date2005-09-22 18:50
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
Istvan -

This is fascinating and confusing.

In my test of both your and Michael's most recent Csound5's, I used the
following CsOptions:
-M0 -odac -b64 -B4096
and at your suggestion also:
-M0 -odac -b64 -B4096 --displays

Though my commandline contained no other flags, I discovered (following your
comments) that I *was* using a .csoundrc file - the one I installed (and
promptly forgot) with your distribution. It contains a -d flag.

When I commented out this file in my autoexec.bat (I'm on WinME), or added
the --displays flag, I did indeed get ASCII function table graphics. That
is, I got it for *your* Csound5, but not Michael's (???). (The output log
for his do not include "displays suppressed" either - which it did for
yours, prior to my locating the .csoundrc file.)

Incidentally, the .csd I was testing with was real-time, and used MIDI
controller input *and FLTK*. And I am fine with ASCII table display; all I
need to see is that the f-tables are there and generally what I'd asked for.

Of course, none of this has to do with the Csound4 versions I mentioned,
which - with the exception of AV - don't print f-table graphics at all.

BTW, the .csoundrc file of yours I currently have includes the values: -b
128 -B 2048. Are these your current realtime recommendations, or have they
changed? (If so, will you be changing them in your .csoundrc file?)

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message -----
From: "Istvan Varga" 
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?

> Art Hunkins wrote:
> > My experience with WindowsME:
> >
> > No Windows versions of Csound do *any* sort of function table graphics
> > default flags other than CsoundAV, which does ASCII. (These versions
> > flCsound, gbs0, MyCsound4 and both Varga and Gogins Csound5.)
> Are you sure ? Is it possible that you are somehow using the -d flag
> (.csoundrc, , etc.) ? I have just tested - using WINE - the
> 2005-07-16 release by Michael Gogins, and with the --displays flag it
> seems to display tables in an FLTK window. Also, with --displays -g
> tables are displayed as ASCII by both the above mentioned version and
> my release (which is limited to ASCII, though).
> Note that displays should be enabled by default, but if there is a
> -d flag anywhere then you need to explicitly use --displays.
> Also, using FLTK table displays and FLTK widgets at the same time
> may be unsafe, so you may want to use ASCII displays in such cases.
> --
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Date2005-09-23 10:02
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Csnd] function table graphics in CsoundAV?
Art Hunkins wrote:

> When I commented out this file in my autoexec.bat (I'm on WinME), or added
> the --displays flag, I did indeed get ASCII function table graphics. That
> is, I got it for *your* Csound5, but not Michael's (???).

It should have FLTK table displays, as I tested it and the functionality is
definitely there. Did you use CsoundVST or the simple command line csound.exe
(I tested the latter) ? What happens if you type this in the installation
directory ?

.\csound.exe --displays -+rtaudio=mme -o dac -b 2048 -B 8192 examples\trapped.csd

But note again, if you do use widget opcodes, then ASCII displays (-g) are safer.
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