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Re: [Csnd] Python and Csound

Date2005-09-21 17:11
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Python and Csound
Csound 5 includes CsoundVST, which builds and runs on Windows and Linux.

CsoundVST is a Python extension module, and includes a number of algorithmic composition functions. I routinely use it to compose by writing Python code. I embed the Csound orchestra in the Python script file, so everything is in one place. There are some demo Python scripts in csound5/examples.

Note that CsoundVST includes all the compositional algorithms from the old Silence system.

Christopher Ariza also has an extensive system for algorithmic composition in Python (athenaCL), which can use Csound for rendering pieces. 

Note that athenaCL includes all the code from omde/pmask.

In theory, it should be possible to use CsoundVST together with athenaCL, although athenaCL is designed to be used in an interactive command line session instead of by scripting.


-----Original Message-----
From: JL Diaz 
Sent: Sep 21, 2005 11:02 AM
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] Python and Csound

Hello, Csounders,

Recently, I started learning Python, and I was interested in the possibility 
of using Python to algorithmically generate scores for Csound. I recalled to 
have read something about it, so I googled a bit, and found:

   - pmask (http://web.tiscali.it/mupuxeddu/csound/)It
is a python implementation of Cmask. However, the page was not updated
   since 2000, so I guess that it is an abanoned branch, apparently superseeded 
   - omde/pmask
one appears to be a more serious attempt of integration between python
   and csound. However, the current release is marked "beta", and it is from 
   2001. The documentation is incomplete. Another dead way? 
   - Silence. http://www.csounds.com/gogins/silence/. Updated on May 
   2003, according to the description and screenshots, this is the most 
   promising option. However, when I tried to download it from 
   csounds.com , I got a 404 "Not found" error. 
   Perhaps the files were lost in the last
There are any other important option I'm missing?

Best regards
--JL Diaz

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