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Re: [Csnd] Re: Question for folks with experience with building synths

Date2013-07-08 06:41
From"Partev Barr Sarkissian"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: Question for folks with experience with building synths

"When I press a sequence of midi keys into my csound object with a long release (~1.5s), 
the volume builds up quickly and becomes overwhelming" ---- 

Multiple keys triggers within the envelope time of an overall envelope can produce odd effects 
like that, especially with long release times. I get these kinds of effects on my monophonic 
Moog Prodigy. 

Might try adjusting max amplitude and envelope time parameters. This multi-triggering within 
an initial envelope (envelopes within an envelope) can be used as a cool effect to good effect, 
but that can be tricky to control, at least with an analog synth like a Moog. Some finesse is 
required to pull it off, but it can be a cool effect. 

Take some time to try out related settings with the max amplitude and envelope times.



--- madstrum@gmail.com wrote:

From: lppier <madstrum@gmail.com>
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Question for folks with experience with building synths
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 21:08:28 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Jim, 

Thanks. I'l try that. Currently I'm doing this think it works ok as long as I don't lower the volume too much.

kinstr init 1
kactive active kinstr
koutputgain = ioutputgain
koutputgain = koutputgain - kactive * 0.01 ;lower gain according to no of active instruments
if (koutputgain < 0.1) then
koutputgain = 0.1


On 8 Jul, 2013, at 3:35 AM, Jim Aikin [via Csound] <[hidden email]> wrote:

lppier wrote
When I press a sequence of midi keys into my csound object with a long release (~1.5s), the volume builds up quickly and becomes overwhelming.
In commercial hardware synthesizers, is there anything done to mitigate this? (I don't have experience with hardware synths)
Or is this "normal" for the sound to build up?
It's normal, but of course it's also undesirable. You can lower the output level of your instrument(s) and turn up the volume of your amp. Csound produces a clean signal, so turning up the amp shouldn't result in too much noise.

Another alternative is to run the outputs of all voices through a Csound mixer "instrument" using one of the signal bussing opcodes. You can then process the output with a compressor or limiter opcode, to avoid overload.

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