| Hi Art,
To be fair, an API needs to break sometimes. It's not done lightly,
but the option must be there. When the API moves forward, other apps
can continue to depend on previous version or must be updated. What
you are asking is akin to "why does Cubase using the VST 1.0 API not
allow using VST 2.4 plugins?". Csound itself will be backwards
compatible in the sense it can open its own older projects, but as for
binary API compatibility and software depending on Csound, it follows
the same rules and expectations as any other software.
Really, IMO, if an app depends on Csound, it should probably either
package Csound with it (if license allows), or be recompiled to stay
in sync with Csound releases. Otherwise, I think this is being blown
out of proportion.
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Art Hunkins wrote:
> This is disastrous for me.
> All my realtime Csound works since Lettuce became available, exist in
> standalone Lettuce versions (as well as your basic .csd). I've well over 100
> of these versions.
> I note that these work, as Rory implies, only through 5.09 Csound. I gather
> that this has to do with the API update.
> Is there anything to be done? Shouldn't the API be backward compatible as
> well?
> Should writers of front ends generally, be required to rewrite their
> utilities to maintain compatibility?
> And then, as QuteCsound illustrates, requiring users to keep the utilities
> paired with the "right" version of Csound or the API?
> This is *really bad*, and will drive even more folk away from Csound.
> The incompatibility of 5.10 with python2.5 is bad enough - but this???
> Bottom line: Csound does not exist in a vacuum; it is integrated into many
> other pieces of the composer's tookit. We must do our absolute best to
> maintain fruitful integration with partner products.
> Answers, anyone?
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rory Walsh"
> To:
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 5:34 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCSound & Lettuce
> Lettuce won't run with the latest versions of Csound. I'd suggest you
> use QuteCsound instead.
> Rory.
> 2009/7/13 Michael Gogins :
>> API consistency must be observed for QuteCsound, which is a client of
>> the API. You need to upgrade the API library, which is
>> csound64.dll.whatever.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Mike
>> On 7/13/09, Mark Van Peteghem wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I installed QuteCSound-d (on Windows XP), since I have the doubles
>>> version of CSound, but it fails to start up, with an error message 'The
>>> applciation failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b)'.
>>> I also installed the doubles version of Lettuce, but after launch it
>>> gives an error message that CSOUND64.DLL.5.1 was not found, and quits
>>> after that. The CSound\bin directory contains the files csound32.dll.5.1
>>> and csound64.dll.5.2, so I guess there is some confusion here.
>>> --
>>> Mark
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>> Michael Gogins
>> Irreducible Productions
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