| Art, I have no trouble whatsoever running Python 2.6 with Csound 5.10,
it is my regular working environment on both Windows and Linux
(eeebuntu, netboook version of Ubuntu).
Are your problems specific to Linux + Python + Csound, or do they
appear only when you add OLPC or SoaS to the mix? I'm afraid I know
nothing of OLPC or SoaS, but if it's just Python and Csound I can
surely help you.
Where do you live? If you are in driving distance of NYC we should get
together so I can actually see what your problems are. Otherwise you
should give me a phone call and we can try to talk through all the
Currently I am at 607 832 4664, I will be back at 212 222 4079 on Thursday.
On 7/26/09, Art Hunkins wrote:
> Announcing a recently-posted mini-project:
> Selections from ON THE SIXTH DAY (I and Family) for realtime Csound5 (2008)
> 4 "sonic environment" activities primarily for children, designed for the
> One Laptop Per Child (OLPC - XO) computer
> and other low-powered systems - all platforms. Run from the terminal, and
> encouraging collaboration and creativity.
> Versions for ASCII keyboard(s), or MIDI controller(s) with 8-11
> sliders/knobs total.
> Available as .txt instructions and a .zip of .csd's at www.arthunkins.com.
> These are the 4 ports of ON THE SIXTH DAY versions designed for kids that
> I've been - oh so valiantly - trying to make work in Sugar (OLPC and Sugar
> on a Stick).
> Regarding this effort: the versions for ASCII keyboard(s) as controllers
> work on the OLPC, but I can't yet try on SoaS as Csound5.10 does not yet
> work with Python (the activities are run from python scripts).
> The multiple controller versions won't work on OLPC because it is tied to
> Csound5.08, nor on SoaS for the same reason as above. I know the multiple
> controller versions do work - without python (the announced project above),
> at least in Windows. I'd be happy to learn about other platforms running the
> required 5.10. (The only problem with Windows 5.10 float here is that Csound
> hangs on a CTRL-C exit. This remains a bug in 5.10 Windows float.)
> I hope to have the Sugar implementation (a single Activity) ready *sometime*
> in the near future. Unless I give up on the multiple controllers versions,
> however, 5.10 will have to work hand-in-glove with python2.6 first.
> Art Hunkins
> Send bugs reports to this list.
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Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com