| Hi everyone. I just got the ALSA drivers for my new laptop working
correctly, so I'm back. I'm getting better at the whole process, all
you who have helped me in the past. I also built Csound and am using
it without installing for the first time, and I seem to have put all
the environment variables right; no more telling me about ldconfig-
I don't have a practical question but an interesting observation. I
ran my jack script, which runs jackd with priority 80. Then I ran
Rationale and selected jack for output. When I hit play, Rationale
calls another audio script that I created specially to run audio at
higher priority, and the original process raises its own nice level.
But when I look in htop, I see that my audio process has 5 or so
threads, all but one at default priority, and one at 66. I believe
Mike told me recently that the performance thread is implemented in C
even when running from Python, so Python's GIL has none of its evil
But, correct me if I'm wrong, I think it was still worth writing an
external audio script simply because not everyone uses jackd. Jack
clients inherit their priority from the server, as I understand it,
but if using ALSA or PortAudio or mme, there's no way to control the
individual thread's priority; hence the forked audio process...?