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[Csnd] Re: Linux -Ma option

Date2009-07-08 07:14
Subject[Csnd] Re: Linux -Ma option
I use the following in  -+rtmidi=alsa -Mhw:1,0 

but before launching csound I have to create raw midi ports with the commands 
(without these no way to have midi work):

modprobe snd-virmidi 
aconnect 130:0 20:0

(take a look at jackd connections to understand what you have to connect) and 
everything works.

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: abhunkin@uncg.edu
>Data: 08/07/2009 1.32
>Ogg: [Csnd] Linux -Ma option
>In Linux, with the -Ma option, are either/both of the following required:
>I assume the first but not the second (or a variation of it). Is this 
>I also assume that whenever MIDI is used in Linux, the first is either 
>required or advised. ?
>Art Hunkins 
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