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[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: QuteCSound & Lettuce

Date2009-07-14 16:27
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: QuteCSound & Lettuce
Sounds good, Rory.

You are quite right; I do distribute necessary binaries (from 5.06) with my 
Lettuce executables. So, probably I was being somewhat alarmist.

Still, I - as a user - would plead that developers think long and deeply 
about the practical advantages of keeping their products backward (and 
sideways) compatible. IMO, if it *can* be done, it should be - even at the 
cost of considerable effort.

Such effort should be evaluated as against the frustration and confusion of 
composers and other *potential* Csound users. Such complications just chase 
people away, and cause others (such as myself) to rant and throw up our 

Hopefully, you don't need to be a Csound techie to use the language well.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rory Walsh" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 6:20 AM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: QuteCSound & Lettuce

I'll try to update the Lettuce page to reflect this. As I've mentioned
before on this list I lost a lot of the Lettuce source code which has
prevented me from updating to later version of the API. As far as I'm
aware Art you've been distributing your standalones with the necessary
Csound binaries so they should still run fine. I'm also working on I
intend to make all Lettuce app compatible with my latest toolkit too
so once that's out there you can simple rebuild them.


2009/7/14 Mark Van Peteghem :
> Ok, I'll focus on QuteCsound then. The webpage of Lettuce still mentions
> that it uses the latest version of CSound. It would be better to mention
> what version specifically.
> Mark
> Rory Walsh wrote:
>> Lettuce won't run with the latest versions of Csound. I'd suggest you
>> use QuteCsound instead.
>> Rory.
>> 2009/7/13 Michael Gogins :
>>> API consistency must be observed for QuteCsound, which is a client of
>>> the API. You need to upgrade the API library, which is
>>> csound64.dll.whatever.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Mike
>>> On 7/13/09, Mark Van Peteghem  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I installed QuteCSound-d (on Windows XP), since I have the doubles
>>>> version of CSound, but it fails to start up, with an error message 'The
>>>> applciation failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b)'.
>>>> I also installed the doubles version of Lettuce, but after launch it
>>>> gives an error message that CSOUND64.DLL.5.1 was not found, and quits
>>>> after that. The CSound\bin directory contains the files 
>>>> csound32.dll.5.1
>>>> and csound64.dll.5.2, so I guess there is some confusion here.
>>>> --
>>>> Mark
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>>> Michael Gogins
>>> Irreducible Productions
>>> http://www.michael-gogins.com
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> --
> Mark
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