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[Csnd] Re: Adminstrivia Message

Date2009-07-02 20:06
FromBill Herbert
Subject[Csnd] Re: Adminstrivia Message
Thanks for the friendly reminder.
Actually, I've been having trouble turning off individual messages. I only want the digest. I hate using list bandwidth for this little stuff. What's the tip I've missed? Do you mind that I use your address for such trivia? (Just tell me if you think anything needs to be reposted to the list.)
And before I do that, I saw the warning that the digest may scramble unicode contributions. Does that really happen very often? What's the expert opinion on taking the digest format?
Thanks, much!
Bill H

--- On Thu, 7/2/09, jpff <jpff@codemist.co.uk> wrote:

From: jpff <jpff@codemist.co.uk>
Subject: [Csnd] Adminstrivia Message
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2009, 2:46 PM

This is a periodic reminder.  The Csound list welcomes posts from
people with ALL levels of skill, from the newest newbie to the most
serious hacker.  The subject and tenor of the posts varies
dramatically depending on what the current questions are.  Newbies are
sometimes afraid to post because they read discussions about the
incomprehensible deep inner workings, and all they want to know is how
to get a sound to come out of their iBook.  Rest assured that your
question will be answered quickly, and (usually) in a helpful and
courteous manner.  We've all been there.  Please post.

==List Administrator

PS:  This message use to be sent automatically every month but various
system changes seem to have lost it.  I will reinstate

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