| There are no rules about numeric parameter values in a score note event,
beyond the minimum three pfields. Everything else is entirely up to you,
according to the needs of your orch. You design the orch, and provide
whatever values in whatever pfields you choose. Score values are chosen
according to the design of the instrument, not the other way around.
Originally, Csound simply wrote raw values to a file, and the "standard"
was 16bit integer audio, represented explicitly on the orchestra, and
hence in all associated score files. No such restriction exists today.
And in a score, you have complete freedom to define level pfields as a
raw amplitude (e.g. relative to 0dBFS), as dB, as a percentage,
whatever! So long as it is consistent with how the orch code uses it.
The statement ampdb(40) makes perfect sense using the default 0dbfs of
32767. So you might make p4 (say) 40 in your score. If 0dBFS is 1.0
however, to get the same output level you would have to write
ampdb(-50), so that pfield would then have to be written as -50.
Richard Dobson
Partev Barr Sarkissian wrote:
> Isn't the max amplitude value in a score file (*.sco)
> around 10,000 or 30,000? I typically use p4 as my amplitude,
> and typically set it to p4= 10000. Then attenuate or gain boost
> according from there. Multiplying cofficient seem to be more
> easily multiplied, divided, summed and differenced. Read that
> somewhere, or was it in the Csound manual?
> So now I'm curious;
> If "ampdb(40)" => equates to +40dB, what would the equivalent
> "p" parameter value be?
> If "ampdb(-10)" => equates to -10dB, what would the equivalent
> "p" parameter value be?
> If 0dBFS=1 (0-dB Full Scale), what would the equivalent "p" parameter
> value be?
> Is there a chart somewhere that would cover this?
> -Partev
> =======================================================================================
> --- mantaraya36@gmail.com wrote:
> From: Andres Cabrera
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: rendering issues, 0dbfs wonkiness (olpc)
> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 11:58:44 -0500
> Hi Greg,
> Do you have any suggestions for the manual to help other users avoid
> this problem?
> Cheers,
> Andrés
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 7:43 AM, Greg Schroeder wrote:
>> Yes, that's MUCH better. Thank you!
>> And that seems to have fixed the differences between playing .csd files
>> and their .wav files.
>> :)
>> Sweet.
>> Greg
>> On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Richard Dobson wrote:
>>> You are using 0dBFS=1, and calling ampdb(40) (i.e. "plus 40dB"), with an lfo
>>> amp of 900. What do you intend the output level level to be?
>>> Try calling ampdb(-10), and an lfo amp of 1.
>>> The 0dBFS enables you to dictate what your amplitude numbers mean in relation
>>> to digital peak. With 0dBFS = 1, your code needs to generate ~all~ amplitude
>>> levels < 1. Could be a lot less, according to need, but certainly not more.
>>> Richard Dobson
>>> Greg Schroeder wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm writing simple sounds (for use as samples in another app) from
>>>> the command line on an olpc, and I am having a few serious problems.
>>>> The biggest one is that rendering to .wav ALWAYS makes the file sound very
>>>> very different than playing the .csd file through csound.
>>>> This has been happening consistently for the 1 month or so I've been
>>>> experimenting with Csound.
>>>> The other problem I'm having is using 0dbfs = 1 in the header of my
>>>> orchestra, as the reference manual suggests I should. This gives me
>>>> unlistenable, clipping high volume regardless of amplitude, and reducing
>>>> the value of 0dbfs, or reducing the amplitudes in my score, literally
>>>> makes my sounds fall apart - oscillators sound like they're going out of
>>>> tune with each other, etc.
>>>> Where should I start tinkering here? I am generally not having buffer
>>>> issues, so I don't know where else to look.
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Greg
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>>> Send bugs reports to this list.
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