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[Csnd] OSC and string p-fields

Date2009-02-09 14:35
FromChuckk Hubbard
Subject[Csnd] OSC and string p-fields
Hi, I'd appreciate any help, I really need a solution.  I'm almost
ready to share my sequencer, after 15 months, but I want to provide
the option of OSC output for those who prefer another environment than
Csound or Soundfonts.

The problem is that Csound, according to i.html from the manual, can
only have one string per score line.  OSC requires a hostname and
path, as well as, for my purposes, a named instrument.  I'm using the
Python Csound API, btw.

All of the OSC manual examples have hostnames and paths hardcoded.  Is
it then impossible to use it with p-fields?

I originally intended to use liblo, which would make this a snap,
except that it would be almost impossible to synchronize it with
Csound, in case someone wanted to use some Csound instruments and some
Pd instruments, for instance.
Perhaps the only way is to create a separate OSC instrument for each
host/path pair the user inputs?



Date2009-02-09 14:44
Subject[Csnd] Re: OSC and string p-fields
> The problem is that Csound, according to i.html from the manual, can
> only have one string per score line.  OSC requires a hostname and
> path, as well as, for my purposes, a named instrument.  I'm using the
> Python Csound API, btw.

That restriction is deep in th ecode and need the score-language rewrite
toi be done to fix
> All of the OSC manual examples have hostnames and paths hardcoded.  Is
> it then impossible to use it with p-fields?

You can use an instrument to save the string and then another instr to use
it via globals

> I originally intended to use liblo, which would make this a snap,
> except that it would be almost impossible to synchronize it with
> Csound, in case someone wanted to use some Csound instruments and some
> Pd instruments, for instance.
> Perhaps the only way is to create a separate OSC instrument for each
> host/path pair the user inputs?

What is th eproblem with liblo?  that is what Csound uses as it is

==John ff

Date2009-02-09 15:57
FromChuckk Hubbard
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: OSC and string p-fields
Hi John.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 4:44 PM,   wrote:
>> All of the OSC manual examples have hostnames and paths hardcoded.  Is
>> it then impossible to use it with p-fields?
> You can use an instrument to save the string and then another instr to use
> it via globals

Thanks for the suggestion, I hadn't thought of that.

> What is th eproblem with liblo?  that is what Csound uses as it is

Users may want to send some instruments through the Csound interpreter
included in my program and some through OSC to some other program at
the same time; I know of no way, using Python, to make the events sent
from Python using liblo sync up with the events sent by the Csound
API.  I gave up on calculating tempo in Python; the process priorities
and socket communication of a GUI, a scheduler, and an audio engine
were just too daunting (when to interpret strings and when to pass
them was the hard part).  So tempos are handled by Csound, and the
only way to have OSC output synced, that I can think of, is to have it
come from Csound.
