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[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Multiple MIDI Input Devices?

Date2009-02-16 21:37
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Multiple MIDI Input Devices?

It would be wonderful if you could redo the alsa MIDI module, especially for 
the XO.

It would be just terrific if this could be included in a new Csound XO 
distribution made available as an XO update download.

This would constitute a real contribution toward collaborative music-making 
OLPC style. (It would be immediately applicable to the projects I'm working 
on for XO.)

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andres Cabrera" 
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 11:57 AM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Multiple MIDI Input Devices?


I implemented it (not exactly but made it possible to listen to all
MIDI devices) only for PortMIDI, and the PortMIDI module is not
included in the XO version of csound, only the alsa MIDI module is
available. The alsa sources contain some helpful information. I'll see
if I can cook something.


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Steven Yi  wrote:
> I thought Andres implemented this in the latest Csound version that
> was released?
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 2:28 PM, joachim heintz  
> wrote:
>> my vote for this, too ...
>>        joachim
>> Am 15.02.2009 um 22:27 schrieb Art Hunkins:
>>> I believe Rick made this developer request some time ago; I don't recall 
>>> a
>>> response to it.
>>> What I'd like is an expansion of the -M flag, to include a
>>> comma-delineated list of input devices.
>>> Example (for Windows): -M0,8,11
>>> The idea is for a .csnd file to be able to recognize and process MIDI
>>> input from several devices.
>>> Such would not be necessary if USB controllers had "USB Thru" comparable
>>> to "MIDI Thru." Or for that matater if there were "USB Merge" similar to
>>> "MIDI Merge" boxes.
>>> I realize the MIDIOx can do this in software on the PC, and there is a
>>> comparable utility on the Mac. (I'm thinking though of Linux on the 
>>> OLPC.)
>>> I want to stay away from a software utility, however, as I need to keep
>>> everything as simple as possible for kids (OLPC).
>>> This would appear to be a rather minimal developer task as long as
>>> PortMIDI, etc., allowed it. I suppose, too, that the implementation 
>>> would
>>> involve supporting MIDI libraries for the various platforms. (I'm
>>> particularly concerned about Linux, as I'd like to get collaborative
>>> Activities developed for Sugar that involve kids using multiple MIDI
>>> controllers on the same OLPC. The controllers I want to use are all USB, 
>>> as
>>> they wouldn't require an additional power source.)
>>> I'd appreciate developer response on such a possibility.
>>> Art Hunkins
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