Looks like a bug to me. The internal time counting
has been moved to samples (used to be seconds)
and perhaps this is to do with that. Int32
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 5:45
Subject: [Csnd] Duration?
Hello, Csounders,
I wonder if anybody has noticed this problem: Matt Ingall's file attached
was doing a normalization in MacCsound, successfully. When I try to run this
file in a terminal from a MacIntel (Csound 5.08), the file hangs forever. If I
give a duration of 9999 secs (rather than the written 9999999 secs), it works
all right, that is it stops at the end of the duration of the file, computed
by instr 9.
Any idea why?
Thank you in advance.