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[Csnd] Re: Re: Influence of technology on aesthetics (was: Panning)

Date2009-12-08 05:02
From"Partev Barr Sarkissian"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Influence of technology on aesthetics (was: Panning)
Speaking of Reason,

Yeah, Reason is fun. I have ver-3.0 on one computer and ver-4 on my
music partner's computer. It's easy for me to get because my day job
is at Line 6, and we are the authorized distributors for North America.
It's fun stuff. 

Still, it seems that the sky is not the limit with Csound. You can 
conifigure it any way you want. I like both versions Reason for its
plug-n-play aspects and Csound for its seemingly boundless versitility.
Best of both worlds. And for you Moog nuts out there, there's Arturia's
Modular V, but there's also those cool Moog opcodes in Csound. I'm 
having a very creative time with all these afore mentioned tools.
What a combination of stuff. Best of both worlds.



--- fsateler@gmail.com wrote:

From: Felipe Sateler 
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Influence of technology on aesthetics (was: Panning)
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 17:08:25 -0300

On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 19:56 +0000, Joe O'Farrell wrote:
> Think it's time to shift this to a new thread…
> All this nostalgic talk has got me thinking about the influence of  
> the technical resources available when we start out on the type of  
> music we eventually create.

I believe it is more relevant to consider what kind of music have you
already heard, and thus the expectations you set on your music. I
remember when I first started playing with electronic/computer music
(about 3 or 4 years ago), I found it really hard to really know what I
was doing, since all tutorials/guides start with a single (usually sine)
wave, which is a very boring sound if you have ever listened to the
radio. I eventually took a course in my university which finally made me
learn csound.
So for me the limiting factor was (and still is) that with my knowledge
of the tools I have available, I have a hard time creating sounds which
I find pleasing. This is specially true with csound, which requires you
to really know what you are doing (as opposed to, say, Reason, where you
just move a few knobs around and get fairly decent sounds right away).

Felipe Sateler

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