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[Csnd] cross fading effects switcher

Date2009-12-07 17:27
Subject[Csnd] cross fading effects switcher

I am trying to create a crossfading effects switcher that allows me to switch between different predefined processing types in Csound. I am using Schedkwhen and turnoff2 to schedule the turning on and off of several instruments - I have set this up in a discrete, "always on" instrument.

It's worth noting that I am to be using this in Max with the Csound~ object - but I am still trying to design something that could be used independently of Max. There are two main problems I am having:

1. How do I make it so that Csound switches off the last effect (with a crossfade release time), and turns on the new effect? These effects will be represented by integer numbers (for instance 1 = chorus, 2 = distortion, etc.) - for now I would like it so that only one at a time is on. In max I would do something like storing the last integer, sending that to the "turnoff2" as soon as the number changed, while sending the new number to the "schedkwhen" opcode. I have no idea how to accomplish this in Csound.

2. Many of these effects (not yet built) I am hoping to be tempo synchronised to sources outside of Csound, namely max. I can easily send a string of clicks or a phasor from max (or wherever) into Csound, but how might I use this to synchronise effects like flanger, delay, and tremolo to an external signal? Just looking for some suggestions here.

OK - code follows - I have only included the scheduler bit for brevity let me know if more is needed to explain what I am doing. Any suggestions welcome!

Best, Jeremy

instr 2
;Effects Scheduler

ktrigger chnget "kTtrigger" ; to trigger (somehow used in conjuntion with kinsum)
kinsnum chnget "kInsnum" ; to turn on new effect
krelease chnget "krelease" ; release time for turn off
kinsnumoff chnget "kinsnumoff" ; to turn off old effect

 kmintim = 0
 kmaxnum = 1
 kwhen = 0
 kdur = 5

;start new effect
schedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, kinsnum, kwhen, kdur

;release previous effect

kmode =1
turnoff2 kinsnumoff, kmode, krelease


Date2009-12-07 22:03
FromIain McCurdy
Subject[Csnd] RE: cross fading effects switcher
Hi Jeremy,

I was needing to do something like this recently and used this sort of approach. The scheduling instrument only turns effects instruments on. The effects instruments themselves deal with turning themselves off. Morphs are dealt with using linsegs and linsegrs. In this example there are effectively 4 instruments: bypass, dry signal out, phaser1 and phaser2.
As regards tempo synced effects, I would find it easier to send Csound a tempo variable from which it would create its own lfos for effect modulation.
Hope this is helpful, Iain

        gkeffect init p4

        ga1     pinkish 0.1 ;SOME PINK NOISE
        ktrigger init 0 ;NO INITIAL TRIGGER
        ktrigger        changed gkeffect ;IF gkeffect CHANGES GENERATE AN TRIGGER IMPULSE
        schedkwhen      ktrigger, 0,1,gkeffect+p1+1,0,3600 ;START RELEVANT INSTRUMENT


instr   4 ;DRY SIGNAL OUT
        if gkeffect!=1 then
        afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE
        afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
        adry = ga1*afadein*afadeout
        outs    adry, adry

instr   5 ;PHASER 1
        if gkeffect!=2 then
        aphaser phaser1 ga1, 200, 20, 0.9
        afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE
        afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
        aphaser = aphaser*afadein*afadeout
        outs    aphaser, aphaser

instr   6 ;PHASER 2
        if gkeffect!=3 then
        aphaser phaser2 ga1, 500, 3, 8, 2, 0.75, 0.85
        afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE
        afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
        aphaser = aphaser*afadein*afadeout
        outs    aphaser, aphaser


i 2 0 3600
i 1 4 0.01 2 ;TURN ON EFFECT 2 (PHASER 1)
i 1 6 0.01 3 ;TURN ON EFFECT 3 (PHASER 2)

Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 17:27:42 +0000
From: falabala66@gmail.com
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] cross fading effects switcher


I am trying to create a crossfading effects switcher that allows me to switch between different predefined processing types in Csound. I am using Schedkwhen and turnoff2 to schedule the turning on and off of several instruments - I have set this up in a discrete, "always on" instrument.

It's worth noting that I am to be using this in Max with the Csound~ object - but I am still trying to design something that could be used independently of Max. There are two main problems I am having:

1. How do I make it so that Csound switches off the last effect (with a crossfade release time), and turns on the new effect? These effects will be represented by integer numbers (for instance 1 = chorus, 2 = distortion, etc.) - for now I would like it so that only one at a time is on. In max I would do something like storing the last integer, sending that to the "turnoff2" as soon as the number changed, while sending the new number to the "schedkwhen" opcode. I have no idea how to accomplish this in Csound.

2. Many of these effects (not yet built) I am hoping to be tempo synchronised to sources outside of Csound, namely max. I can easily send a string of clicks or a phasor from max (or wherever) into Csound, but how might I use this to synchronise effects like flanger, delay, and tremolo to an external signal? Just looking for some suggestions here.

OK - code follows - I have only included the scheduler bit for brevity let me know if more is needed to explain what I am doing. Any suggestions welcome!

Best, Jeremy

instr 2
;Effects Scheduler

ktrigger chnget "kTtrigger" ; to trigger (somehow used in conjuntion with kinsum)
kinsnum chnget "kInsnum" ; to turn on new effect
krelease chnget "krelease" ; release time for turn off
kinsnumoff chnget "kinsnumoff" ; to turn off old effect

 kmintim = 0
 kmaxnum = 1
 kwhen = 0
 kdur = 5

;start new effect
schedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, kinsnum, kwhen, kdur

;release previous effect

kmode =1
turnoff2 kinsnumoff, kmode, krelease


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Date2009-12-09 21:53
Subject[Csnd] RE: cross fading effects switcher
Thank you much for this Iain, very helpful. I have implemented this technique
in my project, but I'm still not able to get sound output. 

I have included my .csd just in case I am doing anything really basic wrong.
If you notice I have commented out the mixer section of the .csd, just to
simplify things, and directed my effects outs using the "outs" opcode. The
.csd compiles, and shows to be triggering the correct instrument numbers,
but the sound never reaches the output. Could it have to do with the way I
have implemented attack and release?

Cheers, Jeremy

Code follows:

sr = 44100
kr = 441
ksmps = 100
nchnls = 2

0dbfs = 1

chn_k  "Control1", 1
chn_k  "Control2", 1
chn_k  "Control3", 1
chn_k  "Control4", 1
chn_k  "Control5", 1
chn_k  "Control6", 1

chn_k  "Ktime", 1
chn_k  "kTrigger", 1
chn_k  "gkeffect", 1
chn_k  "kInsnumoff", 1
chn_k  "kattack", 1  ; fade in time
chn_k  "krelease", 1 ;fade out time
chn_k  "gkvolumefactor", 1 ;volume scaler for all effects
chn_k  "kroot_note", 1 ;root note for pitch effects

instr 1

;control invalues

iControl1       chnget          "Control1"
iControl2      chnget          "Control2"
iControl3       chnget          "Control3"
iControl4      chnget          "Control4"
iControl5       chnget          "Control5"
iControl6      chnget          "Control6"

irootNote    chnget          "kroot_note"

gkControl1    chnget     "Control1"
gkControl2    chnget    "Control2"
gkControl3    chnget     "Control3"
gkControl4    chnget    "Control4"
gkControl5    chnget    "Control5"
gkControl6    chnget    "Control6"

gkrootNote   chnget    "kroot_note"

kTime chnget "kTime"
girelease chnget "krelease"
giattack chnget "kattack" 
gkvolumefactor chnget "gkvolumefactor" 

gkControl1       portk gkControl1, kTime, iControl1
gkControl2        portk gkControl2, kTime, iControl2
gkControl3       portk gkControl3, kTime, iControl3
gkControl4        portk gkControl4, kTime, iControl4
gkControl5       portk gkControl5, kTime, iControl5
gkControl6        portk gkControl6, kTime, iControl6

gkrootNote      portk gkrootNote, kTime, irootNote

gasig, gasig2   ins   


instr 2 ;Effects Scheduler

ktrigger init 0 ;NO INITIAL TRIGGER 

gkeffect chnget "gkeffect" ; to turn on new effect
ktrigger changed gkeffect ;IF gkeffect CHANGES GENERATE AN TRIGGER IMPULSE

 kmintim = 0
 kmaxnum = 2
 kwhen = 0
 kdur = 3600

;start new effect
schedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, gkeffect, kwhen, kdur


instr 3 ; WAVEGUIDE
       if gkeffect!=3 then
        afadein linseg  0,giattack,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
        afadeout linsegr 1,girelease,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE

kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
kcol scale gkControl3, 1000, 18000
kcor scale gkControl4,  1000, 18000
kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1

a1         wguide1 gasig, kfl, kcol, kfbl
a2        wguide1 gasig2, kfr, kcor, kfbr

asigL = a1*afadein*afadeout
asigR = a2*afadein*afadeout
asigL = asigL * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
asigR = asigR * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
;MixerSend        asigL, 3 , 111, 0 ; change first number to be the
instrument number
;MixerSend        asigR, 3, 111, 1 ; change first number to be the
instrument number
outs asigL, asigR

instr 4; PHASER
       if gkeffect!=4 then
        afadein linseg  0,giattack,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
        afadeout linsegr 1,girelease,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE

kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
kordL scale gkControl3, 2, 80
kordR scale gkControl4,  2, 80
kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1

a12         phaser1 gasig, kfl, kordL, kfbl
a22         phaser1 gasig2, kfr, kordR, kfbr

asig2L = a12*afadein*afadeout
asig2R = a22*afadein*afadeout
asig2L = asig2L * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
asig2R = asig2R * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
;MixerSend        asig2L, 4 , 111, 0 ; change first number to be the
instrument number
;MixerSend        asig2R, 4, 111, 1 ; change first number to be the
instrument number
outs asig2L, asig2R

;instr 111  ;Effects output
;aOutR  MixerReceive 111, 0
;aOutL   MixerReceive 111, 1

;outs and envs
;denorm aOutL, aOutR
;aOutL dcblock2 aOutL
;aOutR dcblock2  aOutR
;outs aOutL, aOutR

f 0 60000              
i 1 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on chnget/input instrument.
i 2 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on scheduler instrument.
;i 111 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on mixer out instrument.
e                    ; indicates the end of the score


Iain McCurdy wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> I was needing to do something like this recently and used this sort of
> approach. The scheduling instrument only turns effects instruments on. The
> effects instruments themselves deal with turning themselves off. Morphs
> are dealt with using linsegs and linsegrs. In this example there are
> effectively 4 instruments: bypass, dry signal out, phaser1 and phaser2.
> As regards tempo synced effects, I would find it easier to send Csound a
> tempo variable from which it would create its own lfos for effect
> modulation.
> Hope this is helpful, Iain
>         gkeffect init p4
> endin
>         ga1     pinkish 0.1 ;SOME PINK NOISE
>         ktrigger init 0 ;NO INITIAL TRIGGER 
>         ktrigger        changed gkeffect ;IF gkeffect CHANGES GENERATE AN
>         schedkwhen      ktrigger, 0,1,gkeffect+p1+1,0,3600 ;START RELEVANT
> endin
> endin
> instr   4 ;DRY SIGNAL OUT
>         if gkeffect!=1 then
>                 turnoff
>         endif
>         afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
>         afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
>         adry = ga1*afadein*afadeout
>         outs    adry, adry
> endin
> instr   5 ;PHASER 1
>         if gkeffect!=2 then
>                 turnoff
>         endif
>         aphaser phaser1 ga1, 200, 20, 0.9
>         afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE
>         afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
>         aphaser = aphaser*afadein*afadeout
>         outs    aphaser, aphaser
> endin
> instr   6 ;PHASER 2
>         if gkeffect!=3 then
>                 turnoff
>         endif
>         aphaser phaser2 ga1, 500, 3, 8, 2, 0.75, 0.85
>         afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
>         afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
>         aphaser = aphaser*afadein*afadeout
>         outs    aphaser, aphaser
> endin
> i 2 0 3600
> i 1 2 0.01 1 ;TURN ON EFFECT 1 (DRY SIGNAL OUT)
> i 1 4 0.01 2 ;TURN ON EFFECT 2 (PHASER 1)
> i 1 6 0.01 3 ;TURN ON EFFECT 3 (PHASER 2)
> Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 17:27:42 +0000
> From: falabala66@gmail.com
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Subject: [Csnd] cross fading effects switcher
> Hello,
> I am trying to create a crossfading effects switcher that allows me to
> switch between different predefined processing types in Csound. I am using
> Schedkwhen and turnoff2 to schedule the turning on and off of several
> instruments - I have set this up in a discrete, "always on" instrument.
> It's worth noting that I am to be using this in Max with the Csound~
> object - but I am still trying to design something that could be used
> independently of Max. There are two main problems I am having:
> 1. How do I make it so that Csound switches off the last effect (with a
> crossfade release time), and turns on the new effect? These effects will
> be represented by integer numbers (for instance 1 = chorus, 2 =
> distortion, etc.) - for now I would like it so that only one at a time is
> on. In max I would do something like storing the last integer, sending
> that to the "turnoff2" as soon as the number changed, while sending the
> new number to the "schedkwhen" opcode. I have no idea how to accomplish
> this in Csound.
> 2. Many of these effects (not yet built) I am hoping to be tempo
> synchronised to sources outside of Csound, namely max. I can easily send a
> string of clicks or a phasor from max (or wherever) into Csound, but how
> might I use this to synchronise effects like flanger, delay, and tremolo
> to an external signal? Just looking for some suggestions here.
> OK - code follows - I have only included the scheduler bit for brevity let
> me know if more is needed to explain what I am doing. Any suggestions
> welcome!
> Best, Jeremy
> instr 2;Effects Scheduler
> ktrigger chnget "kTtrigger" ; to trigger (somehow used in conjuntion with
> kinsum)kinsnum chnget "kInsnum" ; to turn on new effect
> krelease chnget "krelease" ; release time for turn offkinsnumoff chnget
> "kinsnumoff" ; to turn off old effect
>  kmintim = 0 kmaxnum = 1 kwhen = 0
>  kdur = 5
> ;start new effectschedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, kinsnum, kwhen,
> kdur
> ;release previous effect
> kmode =1
> turnoff2 kinsnumoff, kmode, krelease
> endin
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> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
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> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
> csound"

Date2009-12-10 19:17
Subject[Csnd] RE: cross fading effects switcher

I have since sorted this out, and I wanted to post my solution, just in case
anyone else needs to do something similar. The problem I was having was that
using gasig to send from the inputs was clipping madly, resulting in out of
range samples, silence, and distortion. I am using a scaled MixerSend now
and it works quite well. Also, I used turnoff2 to include the fadeout. Note:
the Mixer instrument is for future use, and not implemented in the below

Thanks again Iain!

sr = 44100
kr = 441
ksmps = 100
nchnls = 2

0dbfs = 1

chn_k  "Control1", 1
chn_k  "Control2", 1
chn_k  "Control3", 1
chn_k  "Control4", 1
chn_k  "Control5", 1
chn_k  "Control6", 1
chn_k  "Control7", 1
chn_k  "Control8", 1
chn_k  "Control9", 1
chn_k  "Control10", 1
chn_k  "Control11", 1
chn_k  "Control12", 1
chn_k  "Control13", 1
chn_k  "Control14", 1
chn_k  "Control15", 1
chn_k  "Control16", 1
chn_k  "Ktime", 1
chn_k  "kTrigger", 1
chn_k  "gkeffect", 1
chn_k  "kInsnumoff", 1
chn_k  "kattack", 1  ; fade in time
chn_k  "krelease", 1 ;fade out time
chn_k  "gkvolumefactor", 1 ;volume scaler for all effects
chn_k  "kroot_note", 1 ;root note for pitch effects

instr 1

;control invalues

iControl1       chnget          "Control1"
iControl2       chnget          "Control2"
iControl3       chnget          "Control3"
iControl4       chnget          "Control4"
iControl5       chnget          "Control5"
iControl6       chnget          "Control6"
iControl7       chnget          "Control7"
iControl8       chnget          "Control8"
iControl9       chnget          "Control9"
iControl10     chnget          "Control10"
iControl11     chnget          "Control11"
iControl12     chnget          "Control12"
iControl13     chnget          "Control13"
iControl14     chnget          "Control14"
iControl15     chnget          "Control15"
iControl16     chnget          "Control16"
irootNote       chnget          "kroot_note"

gkControl1    chnget     "Control1"
gkControl2    chnget    "Control2"
gkControl3    chnget     "Control3"
gkControl4    chnget    "Control4"
gkControl5    chnget    "Control5"
gkControl6    chnget    "Control6"
gkControl7    chnget     "Control7"
gkControl8    chnget    "Control8"
gkControl9    chnget    "Control9"
gkControl10    chnget    "Control10"
gkControl11  chnget     "Control11"
gkControl12  chnget    "Control12"
gkControl13  chnget     "Control13"
gkControl14  chnget    "Control14"
gkControl15    chnget     "Control15"
gkControl16   chnget    "Control16"
gkrootNote   chnget    "kroot_note"

kTime chnget "kTime"
girelease chnget "krelease"
giattack chnget "kattack" 
gkvolumefactor chnget "gkvolumefactor" 

gkControl1       portk gkControl1, kTime, iControl1
gkControl2        portk gkControl2, kTime, iControl2
gkControl3       portk gkControl3, kTime, iControl3
gkControl4        portk gkControl4, kTime, iControl4
gkControl5       portk gkControl5, kTime, iControl5
gkControl6        portk gkControl6, kTime, iControl6
gkControl7       portk gkControl7, kTime, iControl7
gkControl8        portk gkControl8, kTime, iControl8
gkControl9       portk gkControl9, kTime, iControl9
gkControl10        portk gkControl10, kTime, iControl10
gkControl11     portk gkControl11, kTime, iControl11
gkControl12        portk gkControl12, kTime, iControl12
gkControl13       portk gkControl13, kTime, iControl13
gkControl14        portk gkControl14, kTime, iControl14
gkControl15     portk gkControl15, kTime, iControl15
gkControl16      portk gkControl16, kTime, iControl16
gkrootNote      portk gkrootNote, kTime, irootNote
asig, asig2   ins 

MixerSetLevel           1, 11, gkvolumefactor   
MixerSend        asig, 1, 11, 0 ; change first number to be the instrument
MixerSend        asig2, 1, 11, 1 ; change first number to be the instrument


instr 2 ;Effects Scheduler

ktrigger init 0 ;NO INITIAL TRIGGER 

gkeffect chnget "gkeffect" ;TURNS ON NEW EFFECT IF CHANGED
ktrigger changed gkeffect ;IF gkeffect CHANGES GENERATE AN TRIGGER IMPULSE

 kmintim = 0
 kmaxnum = 3
 kwhen = 0
 kdur = 3600

schedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, gkeffect, kwhen, kdur


instr 3 ; WAVEGUIDE
       if gkeffect !=3 then
                 turnoff2 3, 0, 1
        afade       madsr giattack, 0, 1,girelease

kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
kcol scale gkControl3, 1000, 18000
kcor scale gkControl4,  1000, 18000
kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1

asig  MixerReceive 11, 0
asig2 MixerReceive 11, 1

a1        wguide1 asig,   kfl, kcol, kfbl
a2        wguide1 asig2, kfr, kcor, kfbr

asigL = a1* afade; FADE
asigR = a2* afade; FADE
outs asigL, asigR

instr 4; PHASER
       if gkeffect !=4 then
                 turnoff2 4, 0, 1
        afade       madsr giattack, 0, 1, girelease ;FADE ENVELOPE
kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
kordL scale gkControl3, 2, 80
kordR scale gkControl4,  2, 80
kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1

asig  MixerReceive 11, 0
asig2 MixerReceive 11, 1

a1         phaser1 asig, kfl, kordL, kfbl
a2         phaser1 asig2, kfr, kordR, kfbr

asigL = a1* afade; FADE
asigR = a2* afade; FADE
outs asigL, asigR

       if gkeffect !=5 then
                 turnoff2 5, 0, 1
        afadein linseg  0,giattack,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
        afadeout linsegr 1,girelease,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE

kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
kordL scale gkControl3, 2, 80
kordR scale gkControl4,  2, 80
kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1

a1 MixerReceive 11, 0
a2 MixerReceive 11, 1

;a1         phaser1 asig, kfl, kordL, kfbl
;a2         phaser1 asig2, kfr, kordR, kfbr

asigL = a1*afadein*afadeout
asigR = a2*afadein*afadeout

outs asigL, asigR

       if gkeffect !=6 then
                turnoff2 6, 0, 1
        afadein linseg  0,giattack,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
        afadeout linsegr 1,girelease,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE

kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
kordL scale gkControl3, 2, 80
kordR scale gkControl4,  2, 80
kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1

a1 MixerReceive 11, 0
a2 MixerReceive 11, 1

;a1         phaser1 asig, kfl, kordL, kfbl
;a2         phaser1 asig2, kfr, kordR, kfbr

asigL = a1*afadein*afadeout
asigR = a2*afadein*afadeout

outs asigL, asigR

instr 111  ;Effects output

aOutL  MixerReceive 111, 0
aOutR   MixerReceive 111, 1

denorm aOutL, aOutR
aOutL dcblock2 aOutL
aOutR dcblock2  aOutR
outs aOutL, aOutR

f 0 60000              
i 1 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on chnget/input instrument.
i 2 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on scheduler instrument.
i 111 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on mixer out instrument.
e                    ; indicates the end of the score

UnUnUnium wrote:
> Thank you much for this Iain, very helpful. I have implemented this
> technique in my project, but I'm still not able to get sound output. 
> I have included my .csd just in case I am doing anything really basic
> wrong. If you notice I have commented out the mixer section of the .csd,
> just to simplify things, and directed my effects outs using the "outs"
> opcode. The .csd compiles, and shows to be triggering the correct
> instrument numbers, but the sound never reaches the output. Could it have
> to do with the way I have implemented attack and release?
> Cheers, Jeremy
> Code follows:
> sr = 44100
> kr = 441
> ksmps = 100
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs = 1
> chn_k  "Control1", 1
> chn_k  "Control2", 1
> chn_k  "Control3", 1
> chn_k  "Control4", 1
> chn_k  "Control5", 1
> chn_k  "Control6", 1
> chn_k  "Ktime", 1
> chn_k  "kTrigger", 1
> chn_k  "gkeffect", 1
> chn_k  "kInsnumoff", 1
> chn_k  "kattack", 1  ; fade in time
> chn_k  "krelease", 1 ;fade out time
> chn_k  "gkvolumefactor", 1 ;volume scaler for all effects
> chn_k  "kroot_note", 1 ;root note for pitch effects
> instr 1
> ;control invalues
> iControl1       chnget          "Control1"
> iControl2      chnget          "Control2"
> iControl3       chnget          "Control3"
> iControl4      chnget          "Control4"
> iControl5       chnget          "Control5"
> iControl6      chnget          "Control6"
> irootNote    chnget          "kroot_note"
> gkControl1    chnget     "Control1"
> gkControl2    chnget    "Control2"
> gkControl3    chnget     "Control3"
> gkControl4    chnget    "Control4"
> gkControl5    chnget    "Control5"
> gkControl6    chnget    "Control6"
> gkrootNote   chnget    "kroot_note"
> kTime chnget "kTime"
> girelease chnget "krelease"
> giattack chnget "kattack" 
> gkvolumefactor chnget "gkvolumefactor" 
> gkControl1       portk gkControl1, kTime, iControl1
> gkControl2        portk gkControl2, kTime, iControl2
> gkControl3       portk gkControl3, kTime, iControl3
> gkControl4        portk gkControl4, kTime, iControl4
> gkControl5       portk gkControl5, kTime, iControl5
> gkControl6        portk gkControl6, kTime, iControl6
> gkrootNote      portk gkrootNote, kTime, irootNote
> gasig, gasig2   ins   
> endin
> instr 2 ;Effects Scheduler
> ktrigger init 0 ;NO INITIAL TRIGGER 
> gkeffect chnget "gkeffect" ; to turn on new effect
> ktrigger changed gkeffect ;IF gkeffect CHANGES GENERATE AN TRIGGER IMPULSE
>  kmintim = 0
>  kmaxnum = 2
>  kwhen = 0
>  kdur = 3600
> ;start new effect
> schedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, gkeffect, kwhen, kdur
> endin
> instr 3 ; WAVEGUIDE
>        if gkeffect!=3 then
>                 turnoff
>         endif
>         afadein linseg  0,giattack,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
>         afadeout linsegr 1,girelease,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
> kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
> kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
> kcol scale gkControl3, 1000, 18000
> kcor scale gkControl4,  1000, 18000
> kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
> kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1
> ;DSP
> a1         wguide1 gasig, kfl, kcol, kfbl
> a2        wguide1 gasig2, kfr, kcor, kfbr
> asigL = a1*afadein*afadeout
> asigR = a2*afadein*afadeout
> asigL = asigL * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
> asigR = asigR * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
> ;MixerSend        asigL, 3 , 111, 0 ; change first number to be the
> instrument number
> ;MixerSend        asigR, 3, 111, 1 ; change first number to be the
> instrument number
> outs asigL, asigR
> endin
> instr 4; PHASER
>        if gkeffect!=4 then
>                 turnoff
>         endif
>         afadein linseg  0,giattack,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
>         afadeout linsegr 1,girelease,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
> kfl scale gkControl1, 40, 15000
> kfr scale gkControl2, 40, 15000
> kordL scale gkControl3, 2, 80
> kordR scale gkControl4,  2, 80
> kfbl scale gkControl5, 0, 1
> kfbr scale gkControl6, 0, 1
> ;DSP
> a12         phaser1 gasig, kfl, kordL, kfbl
> a22         phaser1 gasig2, kfr, kordR, kfbr
> asig2L = a12*afadein*afadeout
> asig2R = a22*afadein*afadeout
> asig2L = asig2L * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
> asig2R = asig2R * gkvolumefactor ;a factor to scale volume per instance.
> ;MixerSend        asig2L, 4 , 111, 0 ; change first number to be the
> instrument number
> ;MixerSend        asig2R, 4, 111, 1 ; change first number to be the
> instrument number
> outs asig2L, asig2R
> endin
> ;instr 111  ;Effects output
> ;aOutR  MixerReceive 111, 0
> ;aOutL   MixerReceive 111, 1
> ;outs and envs
> ;denorm aOutL, aOutR
> ;aOutL dcblock2 aOutL
> ;aOutR dcblock2  aOutR
> ;outs aOutL, aOutR
> ;MixerClear
> ;endin
> f 0 60000              
> i 1 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on chnget/input instrument.
> i 2 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on scheduler instrument.
> ;i 111 0 60000              ; Activate the always-on mixer out instrument.
> e                    ; indicates the end of the score
> Iain McCurdy wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> I was needing to do something like this recently and used this sort of
>> approach. The scheduling instrument only turns effects instruments on.
>> The effects instruments themselves deal with turning themselves off.
>> Morphs are dealt with using linsegs and linsegrs. In this example there
>> are effectively 4 instruments: bypass, dry signal out, phaser1 and
>> phaser2.
>> As regards tempo synced effects, I would find it easier to send Csound a
>> tempo variable from which it would create its own lfos for effect
>> modulation.
>> Hope this is helpful, Iain
>>         gkeffect init p4
>> endin
>>         ga1     pinkish 0.1 ;SOME PINK NOISE
>>         ktrigger init 0 ;NO INITIAL TRIGGER 
>>         ktrigger        changed gkeffect ;IF gkeffect CHANGES GENERATE AN
>>         schedkwhen      ktrigger, 0,1,gkeffect+p1+1,0,3600 ;START
>> endin
>> endin
>> instr   4 ;DRY SIGNAL OUT
>>         if gkeffect!=1 then
>>                 turnoff
>>         endif
>>         afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
>>         afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
>>         adry = ga1*afadein*afadeout
>>         outs    adry, adry
>> endin
>> instr   5 ;PHASER 1
>>         if gkeffect!=2 then
>>                 turnoff
>>         endif
>>         aphaser phaser1 ga1, 200, 20, 0.9
>>         afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE
>>         afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
>>         aphaser = aphaser*afadein*afadeout
>>         outs    aphaser, aphaser
>> endin
>> instr   6 ;PHASER 2
>>         if gkeffect!=3 then
>>                 turnoff
>>         endif
>>         aphaser phaser2 ga1, 500, 3, 8, 2, 0.75, 0.85
>>         afadein linseg  0,0.5,1,1,1     ;FADE IN ENVELOPE 
>>         afadeout linsegr 1,0.5,0        ;FADE OUT ENVELOPE
>>         aphaser = aphaser*afadein*afadeout
>>         outs    aphaser, aphaser
>> endin
>> i 2 0 3600
>> i 1 2 0.01 1 ;TURN ON EFFECT 1 (DRY SIGNAL OUT)
>> i 1 4 0.01 2 ;TURN ON EFFECT 2 (PHASER 1)
>> i 1 6 0.01 3 ;TURN ON EFFECT 3 (PHASER 2)
>> Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 17:27:42 +0000
>> From: falabala66@gmail.com
>> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>> Subject: [Csnd] cross fading effects switcher
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to create a crossfading effects switcher that allows me to
>> switch between different predefined processing types in Csound. I am
>> using Schedkwhen and turnoff2 to schedule the turning on and off of
>> several instruments - I have set this up in a discrete, "always on"
>> instrument.
>> It's worth noting that I am to be using this in Max with the Csound~
>> object - but I am still trying to design something that could be used
>> independently of Max. There are two main problems I am having:
>> 1. How do I make it so that Csound switches off the last effect (with a
>> crossfade release time), and turns on the new effect? These effects will
>> be represented by integer numbers (for instance 1 = chorus, 2 =
>> distortion, etc.) - for now I would like it so that only one at a time is
>> on. In max I would do something like storing the last integer, sending
>> that to the "turnoff2" as soon as the number changed, while sending the
>> new number to the "schedkwhen" opcode. I have no idea how to accomplish
>> this in Csound.
>> 2. Many of these effects (not yet built) I am hoping to be tempo
>> synchronised to sources outside of Csound, namely max. I can easily send
>> a string of clicks or a phasor from max (or wherever) into Csound, but
>> how might I use this to synchronise effects like flanger, delay, and
>> tremolo to an external signal? Just looking for some suggestions here.
>> OK - code follows - I have only included the scheduler bit for brevity
>> let me know if more is needed to explain what I am doing. Any suggestions
>> welcome!
>> Best, Jeremy
>> instr 2;Effects Scheduler
>> ktrigger chnget "kTtrigger" ; to trigger (somehow used in conjuntion with
>> kinsum)kinsnum chnget "kInsnum" ; to turn on new effect
>> krelease chnget "krelease" ; release time for turn offkinsnumoff chnget
>> "kinsnumoff" ; to turn off old effect
>>  kmintim = 0 kmaxnum = 1 kwhen = 0
>>  kdur = 5
>> ;start new effectschedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, kinsnum, kwhen,
>> kdur
>> ;release previous effect
>> kmode =1
>> turnoff2 kinsnumoff, kmode, krelease
>> endin
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