[Csnd] Strange channel dropout problem
Date | 2009-12-29 18:20 |
From | J |
Subject | [Csnd] Strange channel dropout problem |
Hello. I am experiencing a strange, inexplicable (to me anyway ;) problem with a crossfading effects unit I'm building. The unit is designed to crossfade between effects which process a common input. I have tried sending the input both via the mixer opcodes as well as just using a global signal.
The problem that happens is this: randomly, after running the .csd for awhile, one channel will go silent, and the other channel will get really loud. It doesn't seem to be happening on any particular DSP block - it does seem to be happening only to the right channel. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, as this is a real head scratcher for me at this point, as I've tried everything I can think of and scoured the board archives. I will include sections of my code just to show how I am doing things, the whole csd is too big to post and would clog the board a bit I think.
Best, Jeremy I'm sending audio like this (as you can see, I first used mixer send, then tried a gasig solution)> ;GLOBALISED AUDIO INS
gasig = asig * gkvolumefactor gasig2 = asig2 * gkvolumefactor gasig3= asig3 * gkvolumefactor gasig4 = asig4 * gkvolumefactor ;MIXER SENDS ;MixerSetLevel 1, 11, gkvolumefactor
;MixerSend asig, 1, 11, 0 ; change first number to be the instrument number ;MixerSend asig2, 1, 11, 1 ; change first number to be the instrument number ;MixerSetLevel 1, 12, gkvolumefactor
;MixerSend asig3, 1, 12, 0 ; change first number to be the instrument number ;MixerSend asig4, 1, 12, 1 ; change first number to be the instrument number endin The effects are scheduled like this: instr 2 ;Effects Scheduler ktrigger init 0 ;NO INITIAL TRIGGER gkeffect chnget "gkeffect" ; TURNS ON NEW EFFECT IF CHANGED
kwhen = 0 ; TRIGGER TIME OFFSET kdur = 36000 ; DURATION OF INSTRUMENT schedkwhen ktrigger, kmintim, kmaxnum, gkeffect, kwhen, kdur endin Here's an effect: instr 6; PVADSYN ;TURNOFF CONDITION if gkeffect !=6 then ; REMEMBER TO SWITCH THIS TO INSTR NUMBER WHEN BUILDING NEW EFFECTS turnoff2 6, 0, 1 ; REMEMBER TO SWITCH THIS TO INSTR NUMBER WHEN BUILDING NEW EFFECTS
endif ;FADING afade madsr i (gkattack), 0, 1, i (gkrelease) ;MAPPING kratL = gkrootNoteCps/gkglobrootNoteCps; DIVIDE DESIRED PITCH BY BASE PITCH TO GET RATIO
kratR = gkrootNoteCps2/gkglobrootNoteCps ; DIVIDE DESIRED PITCH BY BASE PITCH TO GET RATIO ;ROUTING ;asig MixerReceive 11, 0 ;asig2 MixerReceive 11, 1 asig = gasig
asig2 = gasig2 ;DSP fsig1 pvsanal asig, 1024, 256, 1024, 1 fsig2 pvsanal asig2, 1024, 256, 1024, 1
a1 pvsadsyn fsig1, 100,kratL ,1,2 a2 pvsadsyn fsig2, 100,kratR ,1,2 ;OUTPUT CALCULATIONS asigL = a1* afade; FADE asigR = a2* afade; FADE
MixerSetLevel 6, 111, gkvolumefactor MixerSend asigL, 6, 111, 0 ; change first number to be the instrument number MixerSend asigR, 6, 111, 1 ; change first number to be the instrument number
endin Then it goes to the mixer: ;OUTS AND POSTPROCESSING instr 111 aOutL MixerReceive 111, 0
aOutR MixerReceive 111, 1 denorm aOutL, aOutR ;aOutL dcblock2 aOutL ;aOutR dcblock2 aOutR outq aOutL, aOutR, aOutL, aOutR MixerClear endin
Date | 2009-12-29 21:20 |
From | dp51 |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Strange channel dropout problem |
I don't know if this helps, but I would protect the call to turnoff2 so that it only executes once: kOnce init 1 if (gkeffect !=6) && (kOnce == 1) then kOnce = 0 turnoff2 6, 0, 1 endif Davis |
Date | 2009-12-30 11:04 |
From | J |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Re: Strange channel dropout problem |
Thank you Davis, I will try this later today and report back. Do you think that it could be double triggering somehow? On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 9:20 PM, dp51 <dmpyon@yahoo.com> wrote:
Date | 2009-12-30 11:19 |
From | Oeyvind Brandtsegg |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Strange channel dropout problem |
I can't see anything obvious errors in the code snippets you sent, but since this is part of a large csd the error might lurk "anywhere". The only sane method for finding errors like this in a large orchestra is to strip it down until the error disappears. In your eaxmple, perhaps limiting the number of different effects (taking away one by one until you oly have one effect type, and see if the error still occurs). If it's still there, try to use "direct out" audio routing (audio out from each instrument instead of using globals and a mixer). Then if it's still there, you probably have something quite small now, one audio generating instr and one audio effect, and you isolate each of those to see where the error is. You should be able to debug anything by breaking it down into smaller pieces like this. it can take some time, sorry, but more often than not it's the way to go ;-) Oeyvind 2009/12/29 J |
Date | 2009-12-30 14:44 |
From | J |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Re: Strange channel dropout problem |
Thank you for looking it over Oeyvind - it is just as I feared ;) I think the first thing I will try is to use direct i/o, as instinctively I think that may be a part of the problem - I also haven't tried that yet, only globals vs. mixer sends. Will report back when I get to the bottom of it! Best, Jeremy
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Oeyvind Brandtsegg <obrandts@gmail.com> wrote: I can't see anything obvious errors in the code snippets you sent, |
Date | 2009-12-30 15:38 |
From | J |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Re: Strange channel dropout problem |
Ok - taking out all mixer inputs and outputs DID solve the problem. No dropouts or other unexpected behaviour - I'm using local variables for the audio in all instruments, input and output. I'm still not sure why that might be the case however - using local variables will work fine for this project, though I am curious as to why using the mixer caused this behaviour.
Best, Jeremy
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:44 PM, J <falabala66@gmail.com> wrote: Thank you for looking it over Oeyvind - it is just as I feared ;) I think the first thing I will try is to use direct i/o, as instinctively I think that may be a part of the problem - I also haven't tried that yet, only globals vs. mixer sends. Will report back when I get to the bottom of it! |
Date | 2010-01-02 08:35 |
From | Oeyvind Brandtsegg |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Strange channel dropout problem |
... so the next step is to write a simple version of the mixer setup, you could do this "bottom up" by implementing it from scratch, og "top down" by stripping down the big csd and leaving only one sound generator, one effect (maybe two), and one mixer/out instr. Sorry for giving such obvious advice... Oeyvind 2009/12/30 J |
Date | 2010-01-02 16:54 |
From | UnUnUnium |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Strange channel dropout problem |
Thank you Oeyvind. This makes sense to me - nothing is too obvious at this stage in my Csound learning. I think some of the problem may have been occurring because I was not calling "MixerClear" inside the effect, just in the final instrument - I was sending like this "Global instrument send -> individual effect -> Global mixer(MixerClear). I tried clearing the mixer inside each effect, but that caused gaps in playback. Will get to the bottom of this at some point ;) Best, Jeremy Oeyvind Brandtsegg-2 wrote: > > ... so the next step is to write a simple version of the mixer setup, > you could do this "bottom up" by implementing it from scratch, > og "top down" by stripping down the big csd and leaving only one sound > generator, one effect (maybe two), and one mixer/out instr. > > Sorry for giving such obvious advice... > > Oeyvind > > 2009/12/30 J |