| Hi Victor, all,
On 14 May 2012 18:18, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
> rtauhal is the new OSX RT IO module that substitutes the old rtcoreaudio that was there. In fact, coreaudio now also means auhal (it is the same module).
On a related topic, is it possible to route to other that output 1/2
for a given audio output using rtauhal? I have an Echo Audiofire 2
that has 3 stereo outputs but all I get on running is:
AuHAL Module: found 3 device(s):
=> AuHAL device 0: AudioFire2 (0633)
=> AuHAL device 1: Built-in Input
=> AuHAL device 2: Built-in Output
selected output device: AudioFire2 (0633)