| Sounds interesting. Just one thing, there is a doubles version of
Csoundo for windows. I'm using it here.
On 28 May 2012 20:00, Matti Koskinen wrote:
> On 28.5.2012 21:30, Dave Phillips wrote:
>> On 05/28/2012 09:28 AM, Dave Seidel wrote:
>>> Nice work as usual, Dave! I hope someday to devote some time to
>>> learning to use AVSynthesis, though I'm also tempted in the direction
>>> of using Processing to combine Csound and visuals.
>>> - Dave
>> Thanks for lending an ear, Dave, it's always appreciated.
>> Obviously I like the graphics manipulation tools provided by the AVS GUI
>> but another composer may prefer the flexibility of Processing's language
>> interface. But it's ultimately a win all around - one program can massage
>> files created by the other, or you could control a system of AVS +
>> Processing + Csound in realtime with OSC and/or MIDI. Lots of interesting
>> possibilities these days for Csound and graphics. I'm always interested in
>> such possibilities, please post news of anything you do in that direction.
>> Best,
>> dp
> Hi guys,
> As I sometimes back told my needs for graphics + csound, I've coded last
> weekend really hard. I managed to get the driver for pico projector work in
> Win7 (originally for Linux) + liblo + pthreadsVC. The only platform I have
> been able to build opengl for opencv is win7+msvc, Mac doesn't link
> properly, MSYS doesn't compile the code for opengl-window on win7, Linux
> I've not tried very hard, but seemed some problems. Csoundo for Processing
> didn't work on win7. Probably a fresh build on mac could solve things.
> Csoundo needs float sample csound, and on win7 there are no new float
> csounds. Also it was not so nice to use the projector as another monitor
> only, it simply showed everything what was visible on a monitor. Now the
> pico-driver shows just images sent to it. A nice feature.
> I've been testing the liblo-part with mixed results. On a win7 computer,
> oscdump and oscsend work together ok. Also oscdump showed a message coming
> from csound (Dave, your example osc-receive and osc-send.csd). The other way
> round, to send a message to csound doesn't work. (For that matter,
> osc-send.csd messages didn't come up to osc-receive.csd). Also I have just
> running Grace reading midi from rtpMIDI on an XP box, and sending them as
> OSC to win7. oscdump doesn't catch anything. oscsend from win7 to grace on
> mac messages are dumped on grace's window. Next thing I'll do is run
> Processing to read and print OSC-messages, to eliminate some of the quirks
> made by me to get liblo compiled with MSVC.
> Processing is very good, but I need some system that can run unattended.
> Some applications made by Processing won't run correctly, eg. the camera,
> the only way is to press the run-button on Processing window.
> back to testing...
> -matti
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