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[Csnd] Realtime MIDI and Csound6 Windows

Date2013-10-08 00:01
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Realtime MIDI and Csound6 Windows
Realtime MIDI input is not working with Windows Csound6 from the 6.00.1 
installer (the most recent version) - or for that matter, 6.00 either..

The only MIDI input that *does* work (in 6.00.1) is the virtual MIDI 
keyboard, with the flag -+rtmidi=virtual. (Note the message below saying the 
virtual keyboard is enabled, even though it hasn't been requested, and 
doesn't appear on screen.) No external MIDI devices seem to function, 
virtual flag or not.

Has anyone been successful with MIDI in Windows Csound6?

Does anyone have a hint as to why Csound freezes (run from the console) 
without displaying either a list of MIDI or output devices, yet indicating 
that both PortAudio and PortMidi are enabled (see below)? There are no error 
messages; two CTRL-C's are required to end the run.

Here's typical console output with only these CsOptions:
-odac -M0 --expression-opt -b128 -B2048 -+raw_controller_mode=1
(my test .csd works fine in 5.19D)(substituting -M1 or -Ma get no different 
results either)

C:\Csound6\bin>csound SpiritusSanctus2.csd
virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 6.00.1 (double samples) Sep  4 2013
UnifiedCSD:  SpiritusSanctus2.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score
rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled ...
using callback interface
rtmidi: PortMIDI module enabled
Elapsed time at end of orchestra compile: real: 0.008s, CPU: 0.016s
sorting score ...
        ... done
Elapsed time at end of score sort: real: 0.008s, CPU: 0.016s
Csound version 6.00.1 (double samples) Sep  4 2013
midi channel 1 using instr 1
midi channel 2 using instr 2
midi channel 3 using instr 1
midi channel 4 using instr 1
midi channel 5 using instr 1
midi channel 6 using instr 1
midi channel 7 using instr 1
midi channel 8 using instr 1
midi channel 9 using instr 1
midi channel 10 using instr 1
midi channel 11 using instr 1
midi channel 12 using instr 1
midi channel 13 using instr 1
midi channel 14 using instr 1
midi channel 15 using instr 1
midi channel 16 using instr 1
graphics suppressed, ascii substituted
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound tidy up: Interrupt

Puzzled -

Art Hunkins 

Date2013-10-08 08:08
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Realtime MIDI and Csound6 Windows
It has been working fine for me (in 6.00.1 in Windows 7 64-bit) using midiin
to receive CC data. I haven't actually tried sending any notes to trigger
instruments. I'll try it tomorrow and report the results.

For reference, the MIDI is coming from an M-Audio Axiom-61 via USB, using
its own driver.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Realtime-MIDI-and-Csound6-Windows-tp5728142p5728146.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-10-08 21:00
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Realtime MIDI and Csound6 Windows
> Realtime MIDI input is not working with Windows Csound6 from the 6.00.1
> installer (the most recent version)

Tested with CsoundQt 0.8.0. Triggering instr 1 using MIDI notes on channel 1
works fine. I'm using portmidi and assigning it to the correct MIDI input
device in the Configuration box.

The latency is sorta sucky, even though I'm using Asio4all as the audio
output. But that's a separate issue.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Realtime-MIDI-and-Csound6-Windows-tp5728142p5728155.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-10-09 19:49
FromAndres Cabrera
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: Realtime MIDI and Csound6 Windows


Is latency bad also from the command line, or is the problem only in CsoundQt?


On Oct 8, 2013 1:00 PM, "Jim Aikin" <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Realtime MIDI input is not working with Windows Csound6 from the 6.00.1
> installer (the most recent version)

Tested with CsoundQt 0.8.0. Triggering instr 1 using MIDI notes on channel 1
works fine. I'm using portmidi and assigning it to the correct MIDI input
device in the Configuration box.

The latency is sorta sucky, even though I'm using Asio4all as the audio
output. But that's a separate issue.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Realtime-MIDI-and-Csound6-Windows-tp5728142p5728155.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2013-10-09 21:49
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Realtime MIDI and Csound6 Windows
> Is latency bad also from the command line, or is the problem only in

Seems to be about the same -- at a guess, around 50ms. It may be slightly
longer in CsoundQt, but that's a subjective judgment, and I may be wrong.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Realtime-MIDI-and-Csound6-Windows-tp5728142p5728181.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.