| Hello,
I have just rebuilt Csound5 with vst4cs opcodes and CsoundVST but there's no CsoundVST executable, nor does the CsoundVstShell run correctly:
./CsoundVSTShell: error while loading shared libraries: libCsoundVST.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Though I have put this file in various subdirs of my csound tree and run ldconfig.
What is more problematic for me, is the impossibility to use vst4cs. The example from http://csounds.com/manual/html/vstinit.html yields an error:
/opt/csound5/bin/csound -+rtaudio=alsa -odac -iadc -b1024 -B4096 -d vstest.csd
time resolution is 1000.000 ns
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 5.12 beta (double samples) Oct 7 2013
.. sorting score ...
.. done
Csound version 5.12 beta (double samples) Oct 7 2013
0dBFS level = 32768.0
vst4cs version 0.2beta by Andres Cabrera and Michael Gogins
Using code from H. Seib's VstHost and T. Grill's vst~ object
VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
VST Plug-In Technology by Steinberg
WARNING! '/usr/local/csound/IN/vst/mdaEPiano.so' was not found or is invalid.
INIT ERROR in instr 0: vstinit: Error loading effect.
Though /usr/local/csound/IN/vst/mdaEPiano.so exists.
What could I do?