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[Csnd] csound6 poscil..

Date2013-10-30 09:16
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd] csound6 poscil..
The following instrument, when using poscil causes glitchy audio playback. The other table opcodes seems to run fine however and it also runs without a problem in Csound.

instr 1
k1 metro .5
if(k1=1) then
event "i", 100, 0, 1, 1
instr 100
p3 = ftlen(2900)/sr
aphs phasor p3
;a1 tab aphs, 2900, 1
a1 loscil 1, 1, 2900, 1, 0; tablei a1, p5+900, 1
kpan randh 1, .01, 2
outs a1*p4*abs(kpan), a1*p4*(1-kpan) 

f2900 0 0 1 "Marimba/1.wav" 0 0 1