| hi,
and first big thanks to Ian. Found my fingers, although in bad shape
after acetone cleaning after lithography printing sessions, that they
still work. I reorganized a laptop running ubuntu 13.04 near the
keyboard, and now it's much easier than earlier, go to the opposite wall
to adjust the computer and then return to keyboard.
I've used the sndwarp.csd with midi. The recording option is fine, but
I'd rather save the midi. I added some midiouts, and get a midi-file on
the disk. The same problem with midioutfile playing too fast? Played
there are just really a cluster-like output.
Also, when I tried to run the sndwarp.csd with the midifile, no output
at all. Is it supposed to run from a midifile? I'll test with a proven
csound6 I built from git, the tarball and cmake (which I prefer to use,
unix/linux-men always hate long writings, e.g ls is a good example :-)
didn't find the fluidsynth h-file, but git version made a clean built.
And I tried simple 8-ch version with ambisonic-opcodes mapping midi-key
pitch to the azimuth parameter. Sound rotates ok.