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[Csnd] Administration

Date2011-09-06 17:41
Fromjohn ffitch
Subject[Csnd] Administration
Some of you may have seen signs of the mailing list csound-users at
Sourceforge.  Let me explain.

As on 1 September I am no longer an employee of the University of
Bath, and I did receive an e-mail saying that my email address
@bath.ac.uk would be deleted.  Due to low contacts I have the data
base was modified, and it is likely that the address will continue for
a while.  But I thought we should plan to avoid any such problem
happening again. 

The result is that there is a Sourceforge mailing list for users in
addition to the existing developer one.  I have copied all 743
addresses to the new list, but at present that list will not send out
mail.  I should add that it has taken 3 days to do the copy as they
needed to be done one at a time, and the SF software is flakey.  I
hope I have copied nomail/digest/.. information across as well.  I
will safe the archives as well.

I will shortly be sending a test message to the new list; if you do
not get this message and the one to the new list in a day or so please
contact me directly (jpff@codemist.co.uk).  Also if you have nomail
aliases we may need to invent some other checks.

If all goes well we will move lists at a convenient time (to me!)

A historical note, the list has previously been at U of Exeter, (Maths
Dept), same department at Bath and at the central Bath list server.  So
this will be the 4th incarnation.

==John ffitch

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2011-09-06 18:02
From"Marc D. Demers"
SubjectRE: [Csnd] Administration
Thank's for explaining the power behind this 4th « incarnation ».


> Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 17:41:24 +0100
> From: jpff@codemist.co.uk
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Subject: [Csnd] Administration
> Some of you may have seen signs of the mailing list csound-users at
> Sourceforge. Let me explain.
> As on 1 September I am no longer an employee of the University of
> Bath, and I did receive an e-mail saying that my email address
> @bath.ac.uk would be deleted. Due to low contacts I have the data
> base was modified, and it is likely that the address will continue for
> a while. But I thought we should plan to avoid any such problem
> happening again.
> The result is that there is a Sourceforge mailing list for users in
> addition to the existing developer one. I have copied all 743
> addresses to the new list, but at present that list will not send out
> mail. I should add that it has taken 3 days to do the copy as they
> needed to be done one at a time, and the SF software is flakey. I
> hope I have copied nomail/digest/.. information across as well. I
> will safe the archives as well.
> I will shortly be sending a test message to the new list; if you do
> not get this message and the one to the new list in a day or so please
> contact me directly (jpff@codemist.co.uk). Also if you have nomail
> aliases we may need to invent some other checks.
> If all goes well we will move lists at a convenient time (to me!)
> A historical note, the list has previously been at U of Exeter, (Maths
> Dept), same department at Bath and at the central Bath list server. So
> this will be the 4th incarnation.
> ==John ffitch
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"