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[Csnd] unexpected integ offset

Date2011-09-21 18:37
Subject[Csnd] unexpected integ offset
Hi all,
Sorry in advance if this is not the right place to ask this kind of
I'm trying to understand the following instrument and I'm puzzled by the
"asaw = asawdc - .5" line

instr 1; band limited sawtooth wave
; coded by Josep M Comajuncosas / jan98

   iamp    =      10000; intended max. amplitude
   kenv    linen 1, .2,p3,.2; volume envelope
   kfreq    =      cpspch(p4)
   ibound  =      sr/4; set it to sr/2 for true BL square wave
   apulse  buzz 1, kfreq, ibound/kfreq, 1
   asawdc integ apulse
   asaw    =       asawdc - .5
              out     asawdc*iamp*kenv

Indeed, if the fundamental period is 2pi and N the number of required
harmonics (ibound/kfreq in instr 1), buzz opcode provides a signal (assumely

                                  b(t) = (sum { cos(kt), k = 1.. N}) / N 

so, by integration, 

                            saw(t) = integ [b(u)du, u = 0..t]
                            saw(t) = (sum { sin(kt) / k, k = 1.. N}) / N

which is precisely the reconstruction of the signal whose Fourier
coefficients are (N times smaller than) (1,1/2,1/3,...,1/N) that is just the
asaw signal we're trying to build and I don't understand where the 1/2
offset comes from.

Is it a numerical (discrete signal) consequence ? If so, why this 1/2
coefficient doesn't depend of N (setting ibound to sr/2 for example still
requires the offset set to 1/2 to get the asaw expected).

Help me with my maths please!

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Date2011-09-21 20:12
SubjectRe: [Csnd] unexpected integ offset
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Date2011-09-21 23:24
Subject[Csnd] Re: unexpected integ offset
Ok, I get it (this 0Hz frequency is so weird!)
Thank you, Victor

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/unexpected-integ-offset-tp4827197p4828106.html
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