| Hmm.. I took a quick look and it's been so long I am not sure why it
is commented out. Likely I may have commented out while doing the
initial modification of code to work with the new parser simply to get
it to compile, or there may have been a plan to do the checking
elsewhere in the parsing process that never materialized. There's a
good bit of code that is commented out that needs to be revisited.
I'll need a few days to study up in detail what is going on before I
can be of any assistance unfortunately. (At least I'm now set for
internet to work with Csound and git :) ).
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 7:25 PM, wrote:
> I found the code -- it is commented out in the new parser. Now to wonder
> why and how to fix.
> (Steven -- in csound_orc_compile line 244)
> ==John ff
>> Running Rory's example with "--new-parser" I get the problematic
>> behavior where there is no error reported. Using without that, I get
>> the error reported.
>> Seems like something to fix up for the new parser to check if it's an
>> in-arg, that it checks if it has been previously defined.
>> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Rory Walsh wrote:
>>> For example, when run on my OSX machine I get the usual:
>>> orch compiler:
>>> instr 1
>>> error: input arg 'aodfgut' used before defined, line 24:
>>> out a1sdf
>>> 1 syntax errors in orchestra. compilation invalid
>>> Rory.
>>> On 23 September 2011 13:53, Rory Walsh wrote:
>>>> In every other version of Csound I've used this has lead to a fatal
>>>> error? Either way, it doesn't even report a warning. Should I assume
>>>> this is because I'm using the new parser?
>>>> On 22 September 2011 21:16, wrote:
>>>>> It should have given a warning about an uninitialised variable, but it
>>>>> is
>>>>> not an error
>>>>> ==JOhn ff
>>>>>> I was trying to show some students today the type of fatal errors
>>>>>> Csound reports. So I tried the following instrument or something
>>>>>> along
>>>>>> the lines of:
>>>>>> instr 1
>>>>>> aout oscil 10000, 220, 1
>>>>>> out aodfgut
>>>>>> endin
>>>>>> To my utter embarrassment it ran without any errors! I get no audio,
>>>>>> but no fatal errors either. I'm using the new parser and the version
>>>>>> of Csound is 5.13 which I built myself from source earlier in the
>>>>>> summer. Is this related to the new parser?
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