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[Csnd] [OT] A new study of Universe

Date2011-09-26 14:50
Subject[Csnd] [OT] A new study of Universe
A new piece exploring the sounds of Universe:


Like You sure know it is scientifically proved that the Universe emits sound
because planet's motion.
Also, with regard to Solar System only, every planet has a color associated
http://www.astralis.it/astrocol.htm, by Patrice Guinard, especially
"Diagramma del circolo Cromatico planetario")

I present here a preliminary study of some different interpretations of the
sound of Universe.
Every planet name (in italian, sorry) is interpreted Cabalistically or using
ASCII code.
The audio file presents seven sections each one using different mapping of
The piece last 360 seconds, in consideration of the real time of a Pluton
orbit (the longer)
that last exactly 360 (yet the Sumer known about that).

Please note that this interpretation are all scientifically calculated by
really complex formulas becoming
from well known study by Pitagora, Johannes Kepler, Pietro Goffo Dandino,
Note also that plutone has a black color associated (see above) and because
the universe is black, it is difficult to note his movement.

"The Solar System[a] consists of the Sun and the astronomical objects
gravitationally bound in orbit
around it, all of which formed from the collapse of a giant molecular cloud
approximately 4.6 billion
years ago. Of the many objects that orbit the Sun, most of the mass is
contained within eight relatively
solitary planets[e] whose orbits are almost circular and lie within a nearly
flat disc called the ecliptic
plane. [...]
Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to develop a mathematically predictive
heliocentric system. His
17th-century successors, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton,
developed an understanding
of physics that led to the gradual acceptance of the idea that the Earth
moves around the Sun and
that the planets are governed by the same physical laws that governed the


"Johannes Kepler (December 27, 1571 - November 15, 1630) was a German
astronomer and astrologer. A key figure in the 17th century scientific
revolution, he is best known
for his eponymous laws of planetary motion, codified by later astronomers,
based on his works
Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy.
[...] he turned his attention to chronology and "harmony," the numerological
relationships among music,
mathematics and the physical world, and their astrological consequences. By
assuming the Earth
to possess a soul (a property he would later invoke to explain how the sun
causes the motion of planets),
he established a speculative system connecting astrological aspects and
astronomical distances to
weather and other earthly phenomena."


"While medieval philosophers spoke metaphorically of the "music of the
spheres", Kepler discovered
physical harmonies in planetary motion. He found that the difference between
the maximum and
minimum angular speeds of a planet in its orbit approximates a harmonic
proportion. For instance,
the maximum angular speed of the Earth as measured from the Sun varies by a
semitone (a ratio of
16:15), from mi to fa, between aphelion and perihelion. Venus only varies by
a tiny 25:24 interval
(called a diesis in musical terms). Kepler explains the reason for the
Earth's small harmonic range:

    The Earth sings Mi, Fa, Mi: you may infer even from the syllables that
in this our home misery and famine hold sway.

At very rare intervals all of the planets would sing together in "perfect
concord": Kepler proposed 
that this may have happened only once in history, perhaps at the time of


M° francesco :>)


Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
"Harmonice Mundi", 1619.

Gioseffo Zarlino (1517-1590)
"Institutioni Harmoniche", 1558.

Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
"De vita coelitus comparanda"

Pietro Goffo Dandino (1545-1633)
"De sonus misticum", 1599.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/OT-A-new-study-of-Universe-tp4841417p4841417.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2011-09-28 09:06
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [OT] A new study of Universe
Hello Francesco,
Nice work, thanks for sharing it.

2011/9/26 francesco :
> A new piece exploring the sounds of Universe:
> http://vimeo.com/29603955
> Like You sure know it is scientifically proved that the Universe emits sound
> because planet's motion.
> Also, with regard to Solar System only, every planet has a color associated
> (see
> http://www.astralis.it/astrocol.htm, by Patrice Guinard, especially
> "Diagramma del circolo Cromatico planetario")
> I present here a preliminary study of some different interpretations of the
> sound of Universe.
> Every planet name (in italian, sorry) is interpreted Cabalistically or using
> ASCII code.
> The audio file presents seven sections each one using different mapping of
> numbers.
> The piece last 360 seconds, in consideration of the real time of a Pluton
> orbit (the longer)
> that last exactly 360 (yet the Sumer known about that).
> Please note that this interpretation are all scientifically calculated by
> really complex formulas becoming
> from well known study by Pitagora, Johannes Kepler, Pietro Goffo Dandino,
> etc.
> Note also that plutone has a black color associated (see above) and because
> the universe is black, it is difficult to note his movement.
> "The Solar System[a] consists of the Sun and the astronomical objects
> gravitationally bound in orbit
> around it, all of which formed from the collapse of a giant molecular cloud
> approximately 4.6 billion
> years ago. Of the many objects that orbit the Sun, most of the mass is
> contained within eight relatively
> solitary planets[e] whose orbits are almost circular and lie within a nearly
> flat disc called the ecliptic
> plane. [...]
> Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to develop a mathematically predictive
> heliocentric system. His
> 17th-century successors, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton,
> developed an understanding
> of physics that led to the gradual acceptance of the idea that the Earth
> moves around the Sun and
> that the planets are governed by the same physical laws that governed the
> Earth."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_System
> "Johannes Kepler (December 27, 1571 - November 15, 1630) was a German
> mathematician,
> astronomer and astrologer. A key figure in the 17th century scientific
> revolution, he is best known
> for his eponymous laws of planetary motion, codified by later astronomers,
> based on his works
> Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy.
> [...] he turned his attention to chronology and "harmony," the numerological
> relationships among music,
> mathematics and the physical world, and their astrological consequences. By
> assuming the Earth
> to possess a soul (a property he would later invoke to explain how the sun
> causes the motion of planets),
> he established a speculative system connecting astrological aspects and
> astronomical distances to
> weather and other earthly phenomena."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Kepler
> "While medieval philosophers spoke metaphorically of the "music of the
> spheres", Kepler discovered
> physical harmonies in planetary motion. He found that the difference between
> the maximum and
> minimum angular speeds of a planet in its orbit approximates a harmonic
> proportion. For instance,
> the maximum angular speed of the Earth as measured from the Sun varies by a
> semitone (a ratio of
> 16:15), from mi to fa, between aphelion and perihelion. Venus only varies by
> a tiny 25:24 interval
> (called a diesis in musical terms). Kepler explains the reason for the
> Earth's small harmonic range:
>    The Earth sings Mi, Fa, Mi: you may infer even from the syllables that
> in this our home misery and famine hold sway.
> At very rare intervals all of the planets would sing together in "perfect
> concord": Kepler proposed
> that this may have happened only once in history, perhaps at the time of
> creation."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonice_Mundi
> Thanks,
> ciao,
> M° francesco :>)
> Bibliography:
> Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
> "Harmonice Mundi", 1619.
> Gioseffo Zarlino (1517-1590)
> "Institutioni Harmoniche", 1558.
> Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
> "De vita coelitus comparanda"
> Pietro Goffo Dandino (1545-1633)
> "De sonus misticum", 1599.
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/OT-A-new-study-of-Universe-tp4841417p4841417.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Date2011-09-28 13:22
Subject[Csnd] Re: [OT] A new study of Universe
Thanks Mr. Oeyvind,
my vanity thank You, and me too.


View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/OT-A-new-study-of-Universe-tp4841417p4848902.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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