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[Csnd] Re: AW: Re: PMAX question - Marco Stroppa

Date2009-06-10 10:03
FromSchumacher Marlon
Subject[Csnd] Re: AW: Re: PMAX question - Marco Stroppa
yes, an extension of PMAX of order 1 or 2 would be highly appreciated. 
Agreed there are certainly other means/structures for dealing this kind of data, but it seems nice imho to have it all in a 'compact' scorefile instead of 'outsourcing' to external files, in particular when one is using algorithmic score-/table-generators (which might require changing that code again, etc.)
...does make sense to anyone? (I thought it wouldn't change the way anyone is writing scores currently, but wouldn't restrict others, or can this break/slow down things?)


. In the original versions of csound this was not possible (not only because of PMAX). The amount of GEN functions used to be limited, and is not dynamically allocated. There may still be other (undocumented) limits within the orchestra. 
As far as PMAX is concerned, I did not look at the code carefully, but perhaps one could imagine to set it to 10000 (or 100000...??), in order to minimize this kind of problems. Memory is no longer so expensive nowadays. 

