[Csnd] Re: diskgrain and pitch trackers
Date | 2009-06-28 16:56 |
From | Bruce McKinney |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: diskgrain and pitch trackers |
Attachments | RT_diskgrainWB2.csd |
Victor, thanks for your reply and your patience. I don't know why my file got cut up. Verizon is now refusing to deliver this because of "high SPAM count, whatever that is." Hope this now works. Attached is the complete csd. Bruce M Jun 24, 2009 06:14:49 AM, csound@lists.bath.ac.uk wrote: =========================================== Sorry, but I can't see a diskgrain in the code in your e-mail. Where's pitchamdf?Can you attach the correct file? ----- Original Message ----- From: Bruce McKinney To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:44 PM Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: ++SPAM++ diskgrain and pitch trackers Dear Victor, Thanks for your replies. Here is a copy of the .csd I sent to the list last week. I am using Csound 5.10 on an Intel Mac OS X 10.5 from a terminal window. Bruce M ****** I have been attempting to call a diskgrain instrument in real-time from an instrument that uses the pvsanal and pvspitch opcodes to analyse an incoming audio signal and then eventually send it to the called instrument using diskgrain. In the example below, I have simplified everything in my attempt to find out what is not working. The called instrument, i 5, uses the CSound manual example verbatim, which works--obviously, I have substituted my own sound file. However, when I include the line of code : k1, k2 pvspitch f1, kthresh; in the calling instrument, the diskgrain output includes a second invariant pitch. The pitch changes based on my choices for ksmps or overlap in the pvsanal, but I can not get rid of it. Is there some way in which it is not possible to use these two opcodes in this manner, or am I doing something stupid! Looking foward to suggestions.comments Bruce M the .csd in question is: -odac0 -iadc0 -d -b128 -B192 -3 -+rtaudio=CoreAudio ; sr = 44100 ksmps = 64 nchnls = 2 instr 1 koldtime init .50 kp4 init 1 kp5 init 1 kmymintime init 2.5; 2 ;.25 ktrigger init 0 gktimei4 timeinsts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;INPUT SOUND ANALYSED:::::::::::::::: kthresh= .021; a98 inch 1 f1 pvsanal a98, 512,256,1024,0;; this is bruce !!! k1, k2 pvspitch f1, kthresh; kthresh 0-1 NB: COMMENTING OUT THIS LINE ; MAKES EVERYTTHING WORK, k1 k2 SOMEHOW CREATE A PROMINANT ; ADDITIONAL FREQUENCY IN THE SOUND. TO ME THE SOUND IS SIMILIAR TO ; WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A GLOBAL A VARIABLE THAT IS PART OF A REVERB ; INSTRUMENT IS NOT ZEROED OUT. kmytime = gktimei4 ; gkfrq1 port k1, 0.001 ; smooth freq was 0051 ; gkamp1 port k2, 0.001 ; smooth amp if ( kmytime-koldtime f 1 0 8192 20 1 1 i1 0 600 e Jun 23, 2009 09:00:47 AM, csound@lists.bath.ac.uk wrote: There was a memory bug in diskgrain, but that was fixed (not sure when now, but I think 5.10 is OK). Maybe the version you are using still contains the bug. That could very well be messing up things. Victor ----- Original Message ----- From: Bruce McKinney wbm22@verizon.net> Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:11 pm Subject: [Csnd] ++SPAM++ diskgrain and pitch trackers To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk > I wrote to the list recently regarding my inability to use > DISKGRAIN in the same orchestra together ( in real time) with PVSANAL and PVSADSYN. Today I replaced this combination with PITCHAMDF with output to an OSCIL. Results: In both cases when diskgrain is not called (commented out) both pitchtracker combonations produce the expected results. When diskgrain is called with the pitch tracker combo is commented out, diskgrain works as expected. In both cases, when a pitch tracker is active and diskgrain is called, the sound is severely distorted in the manner similar to that produced sometimes by uncontrolled amplitude modulation, or when two a-rate variables are multiplied together without regard to the consequences. There are thus huge sample-out-of-range overruns. I would be grateful if someone could attempt an csd. using one of these combinations of opcodes to see if you get the same results. Many thanks, Bruce M > > Dr Victor Lazzarini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Music, National University of Ireland, Maynooth = |
Date | 2009-06-28 20:12 |
From | victor |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Re: diskgrain and pitch trackers |
Works here, if I use another file for
diskgrain (I don't have you aiff).