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[Csnd] Csound/Python classes and methods

Date2009-06-19 00:27
Frommark jamerson
Subject[Csnd] Csound/Python classes and methods


      I'm trying to get more adept at using python with csound, but I have found it hard to figure out what all of the classes and methods of csnd.py do and how to use them.  I've looked through the help documentation on them, but those only give the type and number of arguments for the methods.  I am wondering if there is a resource documenting what function each method performs.  Some of them are self explanatory, such as setScore, but others are a little unclear, or just not extremely intuitive.  Any help, such as examples of python scripts that might illuminate these types of things, is welcomed.  Also, I have read Mike Gogins, tutorial, so there is no need to suggest that.  
