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[Csnd] ++SPAM++ diskgrain and pitch trackers

Date2009-06-23 19:11
FromBruce McKinney
Subject[Csnd] ++SPAM++ diskgrain and pitch trackers

I wrote to the list recently regarding my inability to use DISKGRAIN in the same orchestra together ( in real time)
with PVSANAL and PVSADSYN. Today I replaced this combination with PITCHAMDF with output to an OSCIL.

Results: In both cases when diskgrain is not called (commented out) both pitchtracker combonations
produce the expected results.

When diskgrain is called with the pitch tracker combo is commented out, diskgrain works as expected.

In both cases, when a pitch tracker is active and diskgrain is called, the sound is severely distorted in the
manner similar to that produced sometimes by uncontrolled amplitude modulation, or when
two a-rate variables are multiplied together without regard to the consequences. There are thus huge
sample-out-of-range overruns.

I would be grateful if someone could attempt an csd. using one of these combinations of opcodes
to see if you get the same results.

Many thanks,

Bruce M