| Thanks Joachim, It works beautifully.
For other beginners, I made this work in real-time.
I remember that, somewhere out there, is an example in which you use a
keyboard to set the transposition of the audio signal, which is pretty
cool too.
-odac4 -iadc4 -b256 -B1024 -M9
sr = 44100
ksmps = 16
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1
initc7 8,13,1
instr 1
ifftsize = 1024
ioverlap = ifftsize / 4
iwinsize = ifftsize
iwinshape = 1 ;
von-Hann window
kscal ctrl7 8, 13, .5, 2
ikeepform = 0
igain = 1
ain in
fftin pvsanal ain, ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwinshape ;
fft-analysis of the audio-signal
fftscale pvscale fftin, kscal, ikeepform, igain ; scale
aout pvsynth fftscale ; resynthesis
out aout+ain
i1 0 3600