| yes. I have not tried yet with USB.
On 29 Jan 2010, at 14:16, Oeyvind Brandtsegg wrote:
> Is this with the internal soundcard ?
> impressive
> Oeyvind
> 2010/1/29 Victor Lazzarini :
>> I can go down to -b64 -B128 without any problems. With -b32 -B64, I
>> get the
>> odd dropout when switching windows, but I am sure that is not
>> because of
>> diskin2.
>> That is on a MacBook 2.8GHZ etc.
>> Victor
>> On 28 Jan 2010, at 23:53, Luís Antunes Pena wrote:
>>> I would be interested in knowing which buffer size -b and -B are you
>>> using? And are you playing from an external harddisc or from your
>>> default
>>> laptop hardisc?
>>> I don't recall exactly how fast is the harddisc of a macbook 2.16GHz
>>> Core2Duo - I think 5,400RPM.
>>> luis
>>> Victor.Lazzarini@nuim.ie schrieb:
>>>> I often play files from diskin2 in RT and never really had any
>>>> problems.
>>>> Even when playing lots of files at the same time. It should not
>>>> normally be
>>>> an issue, esp. of RT performance is good in other situations.
>>>> Victor
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: joachim heintz
>>>> Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:09 pm
>>>> Subject: [Csnd] Re: live diskin2 dropouts
>>>> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>>>>> Hi Luis -
>>>>> as francibal said, I'd try to increase the buffer size first.
>>>>> And the
>>>>> ksmps?!? I'd try:
>>>>> ksmps = 128
>>>>> -b 1024
>>>>> -B 4096
>>>>> And diskin2 has an optional ibufsize argument.
>>>>> But in my experience, playing sounds from the hard disk
>>>>> (regardless
>>>>> whether Csound or Max or pd) in a live situation is often a kind
>>>>> of
>>>>> vabanque. So if the files are not too large, playing by a buffer
>>>>> might
>>>>> be the best. If you like, you can try Useful -> SF play from
>>>>> buffer 2
>>>>> in the QuteCsound examples menu.
>>>>> Ciao -
>>>>> joachim
>>>>> Am 28.01.2010 um 16:33 schrieb Luís Antunes Pena:
>>>>>> I'm using csound live to trigger samples and having dropouts
>>>>> quite
>>>>>> often. Usually some seconds after the file started. The
>>>>> samples are
>>>>>> 44.1kHz/16Bit and I'm running csound with these flags: -odac3 -
>>>>>> iadc4 -d -A -m0 -b256 -B1024 -R
>>>>>> Is there something one can do to avoid the dropouts? Probably
>>>>> it
>>>>>> would be better to use a table so that the files are
>>>>> previously
>>>>>> loaded in the RAM.
>>>>>> I would be interested in hearing what are your experineces
>>>>> with live
>>>>>> samples.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>> luis
>>>>>> l u i s a n t u n e s p e n a
>>>>>> http://sumtone.com
>>>>>> http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~pena
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>>>> Dr Victor Lazzarini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Music,
>>>> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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>>> --
>>> ---
>>> luis antunes pena
>>> schornstr. 27
>>> 45128 essen
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>>> atelier:
>>> kunsthaus essen
>>> ruebezahlstr. 33
>>> 45134 essen
>>> http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~pena
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>>> +49 (0)201 879 14 29 | +49 (0)176 968 09 867
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