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Re: [Csnd] 8-channel aif output (header?)

Date2012-07-22 14:45
FromJohn ffitch
SubjectRe: [Csnd] 8-channel aif output (header?)
>>>>> "peiman" == peiman khosravi  writes:

  peiman> Do you think the following would make sense?

  peiman> -If no extension is provided then csound looks for the flag.
  peiman> -If flag and extension are not provided then it uses the default format
  peiman> (should this be changed to wav?) but prints a warning.
  peiman> -If extension is provided then the flag is ignored/unnecessary, extension
  peiman> is used to establish the output format.
  peiman> -If there is an inconsistency between a flag and the extension then csound
  peiman> uses the flag but prints a warning.


==John ffitch