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[Csnd] csound table

Date2009-10-26 11:27
Subject[Csnd] csound table
Hi All, again,
i am trying to pass many values to a csound table, and i have try to do this
both with a direct function table (i.e. writing an ftable in sco file using
gen 2) and writing a file to read with gen 23.
It seems to me that both work right. But i would like to understand
something more.
1- gen 2 pass parameters directly, then i can think to the size like number
of parameters, 
i.e. if i have 2000 parameters i will set size to -2000, but this is limited
from p max value. Right?

2- this message what mean, that i'm using more param than possible and then
i lost some value?

ftable 11:
WARNING: using extended arguments
Extra p-fields (11 0 -3000 -2)

Many thanks,


Date2009-10-26 12:01
Subject[Csnd] Re: csound table
> 2- this message what mean, that i'm using more param than possible and
> then
> i lost some value?
> ftable 11:
> WARNING: using extended arguments
> Extra p-fields (11 0 -3000 -2)

Nol it mean you MAY have lost some arguments as this is a new facility
which while it passed my basic tets has not been widely used, and I want
feedback on whether it is OK.

==John ff

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Date2009-10-26 12:41
Subject[Csnd] Re: csound table

in my little experiments seems to be all ok. I have try with 3000 value
(from evaluation of a polynomial). But i'm not an expert.
Anyway thank, it's really a good feature.


PS: Mr Ffitch i'm working, slowly, to italian translation. I don't had
forget it!

jpff-2 wrote:
>> 2- this message what mean, that i'm using more param than possible and
>> then
>> i lost some value?
>> ftable 11:
>> WARNING: using extended arguments
>> Extra p-fields (11 0 -3000 -2)
> Nol it mean you MAY have lost some arguments as this is a new facility
> which while it passed my basic tets has not been widely used, and I want
> feedback on whether it is OK.
> ==John ff
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
> csound"