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[Csnd] Are Infinite Loops Necessary?

Date2014-06-17 17:28
Subject[Csnd] Are Infinite Loops Necessary?
Just continuing from the code on this previous post here >>>
I've also uploaded a screen shot of the instrument in process in a bash
terminal. I'm working from code from Jim Aikins Csound Power! Im basically
using PD to send OSC messages to trigger Csound to play a sample and once it
reaches the end to play through the sample indefinitely until I click the
toggle you see on in the PD window? Victor Lazzarini shown me how to extend
the instrument with "f0 30000" which stops the score from ending in the
terminal. The problem at the moment is as soon as I launch the script csound
plays through the "length" of the sample and by the time I hit the toggle
only three quarters of the sample is played before the audio cuts out, its
kind of working like a gate rather than something to control the audio? I
hope with the screenshot this is making sense.
>From what I can tell the toggle (in the pd window) needs to launch the
reading of the ilen divided by sample rate and the phasor ramping from 0 to
1 rather than just the phasor at the moment?? Would I need an if statement
placed somewhere to have this process repeat and stop only when the toggle
is off? Screen_Shot_2014-06-17_at_16.png
The result Im aiming for is to press the toggle in PD and  have Csound
launch the sample from the beginning and continue to loop  the audio until
the toggle is pressed again, just to clarify.
Thank you very much for reading

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