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Date2014-06-10 00:55
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] NYCEMF
I was not able to attend as many of the events of the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival as I would have liked due to demands of job and family. 

But I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation for the efforts of Hubert Howe, Travis Garrison, Travis Houldcroft, Howie Kenty, David Reeder, Judy Klein, Daniel Liot Fine, Meg Schedel, the courteous staff of the Abrons Art Center, and everyone else who was involved in putting on the shows for making sure that New York City does have a festival of computer and electronic music, and for making it of increasingly higher quality every year.

The sound diffusion and stagecraft that I saw was, in particular, everything I could have hoped for. I have never heard my own piece sound so good.

See you all next year!

You Csound people, there it was, front and center!

I hope that Hubert and the organizers do not suffer any financial reverses from the festival in silence, but reach out to the community for a constructive response.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

Date2014-06-10 22:22
FromMichael Rhoades
SubjectRe: [Csnd] NYCEMF
I agree completely Michael... Such a great event and, since it was spread out over many days, it was a very relaxed pace. Very well done!!

On 6/9/14 7:55 PM, Michael Gogins wrote:
I was not able to attend as many of the events of the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival as I would have liked due to demands of job and family. 

But I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation for the efforts of Hubert Howe, Travis Garrison, Travis Houldcroft, Howie Kenty, David Reeder, Judy Klein, Daniel Liot Fine, Meg Schedel, the courteous staff of the Abrons Art Center, and everyone else who was involved in putting on the shows for making sure that New York City does have a festival of computer and electronic music, and for making it of increasingly higher quality every year.

The sound diffusion and stagecraft that I saw was, in particular, everything I could have hoped for. I have never heard my own piece sound so good.

See you all next year!

You Csound people, there it was, front and center!

I hope that Hubert and the organizers do not suffer any financial reverses from the festival in silence, but reach out to the community for a constructive response.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com