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Re: [Csnd] live music coding on the web

Date2014-06-21 04:57
FromBrian Redfern
SubjectRe: [Csnd] live music coding on the web
The other problem is, its not open source. It would be possible to do something like this for csound pnacl or web audio (and both if its possible to mix pnacl csound with webaudio) as an open source project and host for free on github pages, its nicer play to get a bunch of volunteers to code and ask for beer donations than to go and try to extort the web to fill out the features lol.

Date2014-06-21 06:02
Subject[Csnd] Re: live music coding on the web

I've already explained the reasons behind not open sourcing yet in the
wavepot  mailing list   . I
have  numerous projects    in the open source and
I feel that my decision for this one was right. It's just not ready yet and
I will not be peer pressured into doing something I believe it's the wrong
thing to do at this point, nevertheless if you want something open source
right now,  here    is a very similar project
you can play with.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/live-music-coding-on-the-web-tp5735898p5735935.html
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