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[Csnd] score loops inside macros

Date2017-09-18 17:25
FromLuciano Zanatta
Subject[Csnd] score loops inside macros
I have some questions about the sintax of score loop. 

There's a technical reason for the kind of code below be illegal or it's just a design option?

#define MACROWITHLOOP (nRep)

some score statements



Also, would be feasible have a third optional argument 'wait', which if used specify a time between loop repetitions? 

{NN Macro 5; wait 5 seconds before the loop repeats 

some code

 Could these be feature requests?

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Date2017-09-19 11:07
FromJohn ff
SubjectRe: [Csnd] score loops inside macros
Yes there is a technical reason against your first macro.  The macros are expanded in a single pass (csound_prs) before read, so syntax that creates macros must be expanded.  I will have another look.

The other one is harder to consider.  Users can program it I think with existing score opcodes like b

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On Sep 18, 2017, 19:58, at 19:58, Luciano Zanatta  wrote:
>I have some questions about the sintax of score loop.
>There's a technical reason for the kind of code below be illegal or
>just a design option?
>#define MACROWITHLOOP (nRep)
>some score statements
>Also, would be feasible have a third optional argument 'wait', which if
>used specify a time between loop repetitions?
>{NN Macro 5; wait 5 seconds before the loop repeats
>some code
> Could these be feature requests?
>Csound mailing list
>Send bugs reports to
>        https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

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