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[Csnd] midi recorder

Date2011-12-25 01:08
Subject[Csnd] midi recorder
I am trying to create a midi recorder using the fluid opcodes and some
I do not hear anything when the playback starts. Is it because I trigger the
midi note from a higher instrument than the midi instrument?

here's the score:

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
;-+rtmidi=virtual    ;;;realtime audio out and realtime midi in
-odac -iadc --midi-device=0 -M0 -m0d -B256 -b64
;-F ./midis/%s

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

giStat      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording
giChan      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording
giDat1      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording
giDat2      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording

massign 0, 1
;massign 2, 2
;massign 10,10

; piano
giengine1 fluidEngine
isfnum1	 fluidLoad "./samples/acoustic_piano_imis_1.sf2", giengine1, 1
	 fluidProgramSelect giengine1, 1, isfnum1, 0, 0

; bass
giengine2 fluidEngine
isfnum2	 fluidLoad "./samples/003.3mg GS Roland Sound Set 16 bit Bank.SF2",
giengine2, 1
	 fluidProgramSelect giengine2, 2, isfnum2, 0, 33  ; Fingered bass

; drums
giengine10 fluidEngine
isfnum1	 fluidLoad "./samples/003.3mg GS Roland Sound Set 16 bit Bank.SF2",
giengine10, 1
	 fluidProgramSelect giengine10, 10, isfnum1, 128, 32

instr 1

	mididefault   60, p3
	midinoteonkey p4, p5
ikey	init p4
ivel	init p5
	fluidNote giengine1, 1, ikey, ivel

instr 2 ; bass

	mididefault   60, p3
	midinoteonkey p5, p4
ikey	init p5
ivel	init p4
	fluidNote giengine2, 2, ikey, ivel

instr 10  ; drums

	mididefault   60, p3
	midinoteonkey p5, p4
ikey	init p5
ivel	init p4
	fluidNote giengine10, 10, ikey, ivel

instr 100 ; only play back
imvol  init 7
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine1
       outs asigl*imvol, asigr*imvol

instr 101
imvol  init 7
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine1
       outs asigl*imvol, asigr*imvol
kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2 midiin
printks "status = %d chan = %d data1=%d data2=%d \n", 0.1, kstatus, kchan,
kdata1, kdata2
prints    "RECORDING!%n"
;create a writing pointer in the table,
;moving in 60 seconds from index 0 to the end
kindx     linseg    0, 60, ftlen(giStat)
;write the k-signal
    	tablew    kstatus, kindx, giStat
    	tablew    kchan, kindx, giChan
    	tablew    kdata1, kindx, giDat1
    	tablew    kdata2, kindx, giDat2

instr 102
imvol init 4
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine2		 ;add a stereo flanger
adelL linseg 0, p3*.5, 0.02, p3*.5, 0	 ;max delay time =20ms
adelR linseg 0.02, p3*.5, 0, p3*.5, 0.02 ;max delay time =20ms		
asigL flanger asigl, adelL, .6
asigR flanger asigr, adelR, .6
      outs asigL*imvol, asigR*imvol

instr 110
imvol  init 7
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine10
       outs asigl*imvol, asigr*imvol

instr 99
prints    "PLAYING!%n"
;create a reading pointer in the table,
;moving in 60 seconds from index 0 to the end
kindx     linseg    0, 60, ftlen(giStat)
;read the k-signal
kstatus     table     kindx, giStat
kchan     table     kindx, giChan
kdata1     table     kindx, giDat1
kdata2     table     kindx, giDat2
printks "status = %d chan = %d data1=%d data2=%d \n", 0.1, kstatus, kchan,
kdata1, kdata2
if kstatus != 0 then
	;midiout kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2
	fluidNote giengine1, 1, i(kdata1), i(kdata2)

i 101 0 60      ; record 
i 102 0 60
i 99  62 60     ; play back data
i 100 62 60


View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5099814.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2011-12-25 10:15
Subject[Csnd] Re: midi recorder
I changed it a bit.
The strange thing is, that the midiout to an external synth works, but
somehow the line

	fluidNote giengine1, 1, i(kdata1), i(kdata2)

in instr 99 does nothing???


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
;-+rtmidi=virtual    ;;;realtime audio out and realtime midi in
-odac -iadc --midi-device=0 -M0 -Q0 -m0d -B256 -b64
;-F ./midis/%s

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

giStat      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording
giChan      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording
giDat1      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording
giDat2      ftgen     0, 0, -60*kr, 2, 0; size for 60 seconds of recording

massign 0, 1
;massign 2, 2
;massign 10,10

; piano
giengine1 fluidEngine
isfnum1	 fluidLoad "./samples/acoustic_piano_imis_1.sf2", giengine1, 1
	 fluidProgramSelect giengine1, 1, isfnum1, 0, 0

; bass
giengine2 fluidEngine
isfnum2	 fluidLoad "./samples/003.3mg GS Roland Sound Set 16 bit Bank.SF2",
giengine2, 1
	 fluidProgramSelect giengine2, 2, isfnum2, 0, 33  ; Fingered bass

; drums
giengine10 fluidEngine
isfnum1	 fluidLoad "./samples/003.3mg GS Roland Sound Set 16 bit Bank.SF2",
giengine10, 1
	 fluidProgramSelect giengine10, 10, isfnum1, 128, 32

instr 1

	mididefault   60, p3
	midinoteonkey p5, p4
ikey	init p5
ivel	init p4
	fluidNote giengine1, 1, ikey, ivel

instr 2 ; bass

	mididefault   60, p3
	midinoteonkey p5, p4
ikey	init p5
ivel	init p4
	fluidNote giengine2, 2, ikey, ivel

instr 10  ; drums

	mididefault   60, p3
	midinoteonkey p5, p4
ikey	init p5
ivel	init p4
	fluidNote giengine10, 10, ikey, ivel

instr 99
prints    "PLAYING!%n"
kindx     linseg    0, 60, ftlen(giStat)
;read the k-signal
kstatus    table     kindx, giStat
kchan      table     kindx, giChan
kdata1     table     kindx, giDat1
kdata2     table     kindx, giDat2
if kstatus != 0 then
	printks "status = %d chan = %d data1=%d data2=%d \n", 0.1, kstatus, kchan,
kdata1, kdata2
	midiout kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2
	fluidNote giengine1, 1, i(kdata1), i(kdata2)

instr 100 ; only play back
imvol  init 7
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine1
       outs asigl*imvol, asigr*imvol

instr 101
imvol  init 7
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine1
       outs asigl*imvol, asigr*imvol
kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2 midiin
if kstatus != 0 then
	printks "status = %d chan = %d data1=%d data2=%d \n", 0.1, kstatus, kchan,
kdata1, kdata2
prints    "RECORDING!%n"
kindx     linseg    0, 60, ftlen(giStat)
;write the k-signal
    	tablew    kstatus, kindx, giStat
    	tablew    kchan, kindx, giChan
    	tablew    kdata1, kindx, giDat1
    	tablew    kdata2, kindx, giDat2

instr 102
imvol init 4
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine2		 ;add a stereo flanger
adelL linseg 0, p3*.5, 0.02, p3*.5, 0	 ;max delay time =20ms
adelR linseg 0.02, p3*.5, 0, p3*.5, 0.02 ;max delay time =20ms		
asigL flanger asigl, adelL, .6
asigR flanger asigr, adelR, .6
      outs asigL*imvol, asigR*imvol

instr 110
imvol  init 7
asigl, asigr fluidOut giengine10
       outs asigl*imvol, asigr*imvol

i 101 0 60      ; record 
i 102 0 60
i 99  62 60     ; play back data
i 100 62 60


View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5100075.html
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Date2011-12-25 11:40
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: midi recorder

Date2011-12-25 11:50
Subject[Csnd] Re: midi recorder
Hi Tito,

I tried your suggestion, still no sound...


View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5100149.html
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Date2011-12-25 11:56
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: midi recorder

Date2011-12-25 12:01
Subject[Csnd] Re: midi recorder

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5100156.html
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Date2011-12-25 12:17
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: midi recorder

Date2011-12-25 12:31
Subject[Csnd] Re: midi recorder
No, I have Csound version 5.13 (float samples) Jan 17 2011
I could try to upgrade.
But the if gets executed, unless the bug implies that it only executes the
first line in the if block, then it would make sense.

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5100182.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2011-12-25 12:49
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: midi recorder

Date2011-12-25 14:30
Subject[Csnd] Re: midi recorder
oops, upgrading made things worse.
I got the following error:

    import csnd
line 7, in 
    import _csnd
2): Library not loaded:
  Referenced from:
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/5.2/CsoundLib64: unknown
required load command 0x80000022
	/Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/5.2/CsoundLib64: unknown
required load command 0x80000022

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5100258.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2011-12-25 14:41
Subject[Csnd] Re: midi recorder
Ok, I went back to version 5.14 (still one version higher than my previous),
since I am on OS X 10.5.8. This did the trick! It works...

View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5100271.html
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Date2011-12-25 15:05
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Re: midi recorder
yes, 5.14 is the last 10.5 release. I am afraid we don't have a 10.5 machine to build on anymore.

On 25 Dec 2011, at 14:41, zappfinger wrote:

> Ok, I went back to version 5.14 (still one version higher than my previous),
> since I am on OS X 10.5.8. This did the trick! It works...
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/midi-recorder-tp5099814p5100271.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>            https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
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Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Music
NUI Maynooth Ireland
tel.: +353 1 708 3545
Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie

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