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[Csnd] flooper2 unstable in mode 2, bug?

Date2014-08-13 22:16
FromKevin Welsh
Subject[Csnd] flooper2 unstable in mode 2, bug?
I feel this is a bug, but perhaps I'm using it in a way it's not meant
to work...

It seems as tho any time I use flooper2 in mode 2 (back+forth), the
audio becomes incredibly unstable if both kloopstart and kloopend
change at the same time.  Here's the output of two notes generated
identically, other than changing the mode:
B  0.000 .. 14.000 T 14.000 TT 14.000 M:  0.80000  0.80000
B 14.000 .. 26.000 T 26.000 TT 26.000 M:  3.63255  3.63255
number of samples out of range:     3319     3319

WARNING! If you test this make sure you have a good limiter in your
signal chain... I am not responsible for bleeding eardrums.  Here's
the code I used to test, it uses "fox.wav" (link can be found on the
flooper2 man page)

0dbfs  = 1

instr 1 ;untitled
imode = p4

ifile = 1
ixfade = .05
ichancnt = ftchnls(ifile)

ilen = ftlen(ifile)/sr/ichancnt ; length in seconds

kst  line     0, p3, ilen ;vary loopstartpoint
kst  limit kst, 0, ilen ; trim variables to 0-ilen
kend limit kst+.5, 0, ilen ; trim variables to 0-ilen

aout flooper2 .8, 1, kst, kend, ixfade, ifile, 0, imode
     outc     aout, aout


f 1 0 0 1 "fox.wav" 0 0 0

i1 0.0 12 0
i1 14.0 12 2

Date2014-08-13 22:40
FromKevin Welsh
Subject[Csnd] Re: flooper2 unstable in mode 2, bug?
The note output was form testing within blue using the API.  Testing
from a straight .csd file yields infinite amps.  I didn't even realize
that was possible.

B  0.000 .. 14.000 T 14.000 TT 14.000 M:  0.80000  0.80000
B 14.000 .. 26.000 T 26.000 TT 26.000 M:      inf      inf
         number of samples out of range:     3321     3321

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Kevin Welsh  wrote:
> I feel this is a bug, but perhaps I'm using it in a way it's not meant
> to work...
> It seems as tho any time I use flooper2 in mode 2 (back+forth), the
> audio becomes incredibly unstable if both kloopstart and kloopend
> change at the same time.  Here's the output of two notes generated
> identically, other than changing the mode:
> B  0.000 .. 14.000 T 14.000 TT 14.000 M:  0.80000  0.80000
> B 14.000 .. 26.000 T 26.000 TT 26.000 M:  3.63255  3.63255
> number of samples out of range:     3319     3319
> WARNING! If you test this make sure you have a good limiter in your
> signal chain... I am not responsible for bleeding eardrums.  Here's
> the code I used to test, it uses "fox.wav" (link can be found on the
> flooper2 man page)
> sr=44100
> ksmps=1
> nchnls=2
> 0dbfs  = 1
> instr 1 ;untitled
> imode = p4
> ifile = 1
> ixfade = .05
> ichancnt = ftchnls(ifile)
> ilen = ftlen(ifile)/sr/ichancnt ; length in seconds
> kst  line     0, p3, ilen ;vary loopstartpoint
> kst  limit kst, 0, ilen ; trim variables to 0-ilen
> kend limit kst+.5, 0, ilen ; trim variables to 0-ilen
> aout flooper2 .8, 1, kst, kend, ixfade, ifile, 0, imode
>      outc     aout, aout
> endin
> f 1 0 0 1 "fox.wav" 0 0 0
> i1 0.0 12 0
> i1 14.0 12 2
> e