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[Csnd] amplitude modulation

Date2010-05-23 08:10
FromStefan Thomas
Subject[Csnd] amplitude modulation
Dear community,
I would like to know: is there a formula available, which can predict, which kind of wave will come out when using a special modulator carrier ratio within amplitude modulation?

Date2010-05-24 00:05
Fromluis jure
Subject[Csnd] Re: amplitude modulation
on 2010-05-23 at 09:10 Stefan Thomas wrote:

>I would like to know: is there a formula available, which can predict,
>which kind of wave will come out when using a special modulator
>carrier ratio within amplitude modulation?

i don't think i'm getting your question right, but in plain amplitude
modulation, for each sinusoidal component fm and fc in your modulating
and carrier signal respectively, you'll get fc, fc+fm and fc-fm.

is that what you were asking? does this help in any way?

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Date2010-05-24 08:41
FromStefan Thomas
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: amplitude modulation
Yes, thanks, that was my question!

2010/5/24 luis jure <ljc@internet.com.uy>

on 2010-05-23 at 09:10 Stefan Thomas wrote:

>I would like to know: is there a formula available, which can predict,
>which kind of wave will come out when using a special modulator
>carrier ratio within amplitude modulation?

i don't think i'm getting your question right, but in plain amplitude
modulation, for each sinusoidal component fm and fc in your modulating
and carrier signal respectively, you'll get fc, fc+fm and fc-fm.

is that what you were asking? does this help in any way?

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